M.Sc. Alexander Klein
Curriculum Vitae |
June 15th 1987 |
born in Tscheljabinsk, Russia |
10/2007 |
Studies of Biochemistry at Martin-Luther Universität Halle/Saale |
2010 |
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry,
Title : "Characterisation of a novel gene Su(var)2-1" |
2010 |
Studies for Master in Biochemistry at Martin-Luther Universität Halle/Saale |
2012 |
Master of Science in Biochemistry, Title :
"Construction of a fusion protein for cryo electron microscopy on basis of ankyrin-repeat proteins" |
10/2012 |
LEONARDO fellowship in United Kingdom, internship at University of Oxford,
dept. Biochemistry in the group of Prof. Colin Kleanthous |
07/2013 |
Technical Assistant at University of Oxford, dept. Biochemistry
in the group of Prof. Colin Kleanthous |
12/2013 - 01/2015 |
Doctoral Research at the Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
in the group of Prof. Dr. C. Arenz with a fellowship of the Einstein Foundation Berlin |
"Crystal Structure of Colicin E9-Im9 complex"
in process
Housden, N.G., Hopper, J.T.S., Lukoyanova, N., Rodriguez-Larrea, D., Wojdyla,
J.A., Klein, A., Kaminska, R., Bayley, H., Saibil, H.R., Robinson, C.V. & Kleanthous, C.
"Intrinsically disordered protein threads through the bacterial outer membrane porin OmpF"
Science 2013 340 (6140): 1570-1574