Dr. rer. nat. Anke G. Roth

Curriculum Vitae


March 9th 1982 born in Greifswald
10/2000 Study of Chemistry, Freie Universität Berlin
12/2005 Diploma, Title of Thesis: "Synthese von potentiellen chemischen Chaperonen für die experimentelle Therapie der Niemann-Pick Erkrankung"
02/2006 Doctoral Research at the Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the group of
Prof. Dr. C. Arenz
07/2010 Graduation at the Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the group of Prof. Dr. C. Arenz



S. Wetzel, W. Wilk, S. Chamma, B. Sperl, A.G. Roth, A. Yektaoglu, S. Renner, T. Berg, C. Arenz, A. Giannis, T.I. Oprea, D. Rauh, M. Kaiser, and H. Waldmann, "A Scaffold Tree Merging Strategy for Prospective Bioactivity Annotation of gamma-pyrones"
Angew. Chem. 2010, 122, 3748-3752

T. Kirkegaard, A. G. Roth, N. H. T. Petersen, A. K. Mahalka, O. D. Olsen, I. Moilanen, A. Zylicz, J. Knudsen, K. Sandhoff, C. Arenz, P. K. J. Kinnunen, J. Nylandsted, M. Jäättelä "Hsp70 stabilizes lysosomes and reverts Niemann-Pick disease-associated lysosomal pathology"
Nature 2010, 463, 549-554

A. G. Roth, S. Redmer and C. Arenz "Carbohydrate-Derived Inhibitors of Acid Sphingomyelinase"
Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2010, 18, 939-944.


Anke G. Roth, S. Redmer, C. Arenz "Potent Inhibition of Acid Sphingomyelinase by Phosphoinositide Analogues"
ChemBioChem. 2009, 2367-2374.

A. G. Roth, D. Drescher, Y. Yang, S. Redmer, S. Uhlig, C. Arenz "Potente und selektive Inhibition der sauren Sphingomyelinase durch Bisphosphonate"
Angew. Chem. 2009, 7697-7700.





