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Veranstaltungsreihe: Animals as Objects? Histories, Institutions, Infrastructures, Data, and Knowledg

Restlos: Von der Unmöglichkeit, Schweine aufzuessen

Organized by the joint research project “Animals as Objects”, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG; in coope


Mo., 07.12.2020
16:15 Uhr - 17:45 Uhr


This interdisciplinary and international Ringvorlesung examines the role of animals in institutional and infrastructural arrangements, past and present. It investigates the processes by which animals are turned into objects, living zoo attractions, museum exhibits, diplomatic tokens, commodities, laboratory tools, data sets, and more. The aim is to understand the trajectories, traffics and transformations of animal-objects within and between different sites in their global, political, scientific and cultural context.

Weitere Informationen

Veranstalter: Institut für Kulturwissenschaft: HU zu Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG; in cooperation with the research group “The Body of Animals”, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
Referenten: Christian Kassung (HU)

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Mareike Vennen
Telefon: 030 2093-66298

Raum: live digital format

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