The Central Kalahari area with a focus on ǂHoan (Ju-ǂHoan family): Language contact and population genetics

1 Population relationships amongst Khoisan of Botswana
2 Documentation of ǂHoan with a focus on contact influences

2 Documentation of ǂHoan with a focus on contact influences

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Language contact

2.3 Documentation of ǂHoan

2.3.1 Introduction to language structure

(1) àm dyéé yà sùùn ārīǁáqí zòò
1SG mother PROG give woman MPO water
‘My mother is giving water to the woman.’

(2) ts'āā tyī ǁùì tsáá ǃ'áú
sun DEM pass come drop
‘(…) until the sun sets’

2.3.2 Possessive constructions

(3) a. ārīǁáqí pūlwānē b. dyāqm̄sì gǂóqàm
woman POSS brick child navel
‘the woman’s brick’ ‘the child’s navel’
c. ǀ''óón dyòqbà
tree POSS leaf
‘the tree’s leaf’

(4) a. ǀ''óón dyòqbà   b. ǀ''óón qa dyòqbà (qà)
tree POSS leaf tree PL POSS leaf PL
‘the leaf of the tree’ ‘the leaves of the trees’
(5) a. kátsè ǃ''óón b. kátsè qà ǃ''óón qà
cat heart cat PL POSS heart PL
‘the cat’s heart’ ‘the hearts of the cats’


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