Annual Students Conferences at Humboldt: Conferences
Utopian Thoughts

Participants & Abstracts

Rasmus Damkjær Christensen
University of Southern Denmark

Born: Aalborg, Denmark 1982
Education: Bachelors degree in Cultural Encounters from Roskilde University 2005
Masters degree in American Studies at University of Southern Denmark (current)
Primary Interests: American culture, ideology and politics

Ecotopian Perspectives

The novel Ecotopia (1975) presents us with a utopian vision of American society. Author Ernest Callenbach's environmental understanding inspires this tale of a newly established nation on the pacific shores of America - one which embodies the vision of a sustainable world.

The novel follows the journey of reporter William Weston, the first American reporter to be permitted entry to Ecotopia 20 years after its secession from the US. Through reports and personal notebook entries Weston portrays a society of great environmental awareness and social cohesion. His experiences force him to re-examine his personal beliefs and way of life.

The novel expresses a growing ecological awareness and is inspired by the energy crisis of the 1970's.

In this paper, we will examine the ideas expressed by Callenbach in order to relate these to the political climate of the ecological lobbist groups such as Earth First.

Moreover, we will explore the utopian ideals highlighted by Callenbach. These ideals will also be viewed in connection with other previous writers such as Henry David Thoreau, Daniel Defoe, Aldous Huxley and more. In addition, the paper will draw a parallal between the ideals of Thomas Jefferson and the possible world of tomorrow, as portrayed by Callenbach.

A version of this paper has been published in:
Envisioning American Utopias. Fictions of Science and Politics in Literature and Visual Culture.
Antje Dallmann, Reinhard Isensee, Philipp Kneis (Editors). Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2010.