Bryn Mawr Classical Review: Autoren A-D, → Autoren E-K, → Autoren L-R, → Autoren S-Z
Z. Philip Ambrose: Ovid. The Metamorphoses. Newburyport 2004. (Betty Rose Nagle) - BMCR 2005.07.26
Martin Amann: Komik in den Tristien Ovids. Basel 2006. (Samuel J. Huskey) - BMCR 2006.12.13
W.S. Anderson (ed.): Ovid's Metamorphoses Books 1-5. Norman 1995. (Ingo Gildenhard, Andrew Zissos) - BMCR 97.9.11
Alessandro Barchiesi: The Poet and the Prince. Ovid and Augustan Discourse. Berkeley 1997. (Karl Galinsky) - BMCR 98-1-26
Alessandro Barchiesi: Speaking Volumes: Narrative and intertext in Ovid and other Latin poets. Edited and translated by Matt Fox and Simone Marchesi. London 2001. (Michèle Lowrie) - BMCR 2002.06.38
Alessandro Barchiesi (ed.): Ovidio: Metamorfosi, Volume I (Libri I-II). Traduzione di Ludovica Koch. Milano 2005. (Sergio Casali) - BMCR 2006.07.38
Federica Bessone: P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroidum Epistula XII: Medea Iasoni. Firenze 1997; Theodor Heinze, P. Ovidius Naso. Der XII. Heroidenbrief: Medea an Jason. Mit einer Beilage: Die Fragmente der Tragodie Medea. Einleitung, Text & Kommentar. Mnemosyne Supplement 170 Leiden 1997. (J. C. McKeown) - BMCR 98-9-9.
Franz Bömer: P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphosen: Addenda, Corrigenda, Indices. Heidelberg 2006. (Gauthier Liberman) - BMCR 2006.10.17
Barbara Weiden Boyd: Ovid's Literary Loves: Influence and Innovation in the Amores. Ann Arbor 1997. (Sharon L. James) - BMCR 98.5.9.
Barbara Weiden Boyd (ed.): Brill's Companion to Ovid. Leiden 2002. (Roy Gibson) - BMCR 2003.01.34
Sarah Annes Brown: The Metamorphosis of Ovid: From Chaucer to Ted Hughes. London: Duckworth, 1999. (Teresa Ramsby) - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 00.03.30
Sarah Annes Brown: Ovid: Myth and Metamorphosis. London 2005. (Betty Rose Nagle) - BMCR 2005.09.34
Frank T. Coulson: The "Vulgate" Commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoses (1991) (P. Pascal) - BMCR 3-1-5
James H. Dee (ed.): Repertorium Ovidii Metamorphoseon Hexametricum. A Repertory of the Hexameter Patterns in Ovid, Metamorphoses. Hildesheim 2006. (J. A. Richmond) - BMCR 2006.10.31