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SE001 - General Business English (Jahreskurs)

English for Networking, Conferences and Presentations
Networking in intercultural contexts
- The „first 5 minutes“
- Diplomatic language; idioms
- Discussing current topics
- To extend and strengthen contacts

Conferences / Meetings
- Presenting and clarifying opinions
- Functional language for agreeing and disagreeing
- Moderating discussions

Presentations / Speeche
- Functional language for structuring formal and informal presentations (written and oral)
- Describing visual material in a presentations (e.g. graphs)
- Becoming more confident and spontaneous when answering questions and being able to ask clarifying questions, if necessary

The course programme will be tailored to the needs of the group and will be discussed in the first lesson with the trainer. We will be happy to integrate samples of your daily work into the course programme.

For people, who already have a good command of English (conversational level) and who would like to consolidate and build upon it.

If you are not sure whether this course suits your level we can arrange a short telephone interview for a needs analysis and to assess your oral level. Please contact Ms. Schimansky-Geier after your course registration for contact details (doerthe.schimansky-geier@hu-berlin.de).

Level A2 (Präsenz)
Level B1/B2 (online)