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DR009 - Diversity-Competent Leadership - Part II

Frau Dr. Schneller
Es gibt noch freie Plätze zu diesem Termin.16.10.2024
10:00 - 13:30 Uhr, Anmeldeschluss: 10.10.24
In this workshop you can deepen your knowledge on diversity-competent leadership in higher education.

We will zoom in on the following questions:
- How to check if our current idea of diversity is sustainable?
- How to conceive conflict and complaint management strategies to foster team spirit and mental health?
- How to improve diversity recruitment practices?

We will look at case examples as well as your own experiences to facilitate leadership self-assessment and deepen your understanding of diversity competence in practice.

Please note: It is recommended – not mandatory – to attend part I of the workshop “Diversity-Competent Leadership” prior to this.