Neuroethology / Behavioural Physiology
Department of Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Dr. Matthias Hennig |
Researcher |
matthias.hennig (at) (remove) |
Dr. Nora de Camp |
Postdoc | (at) hu-berlin (remove) .de |
Dr. Klaus-Gerhard Heller |
Guest Scientist |
kgheller (at) hu-be (remove) |
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Biology
Behavioural Physiology
Philippstr. 13, House 18
10115 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)30 / 2093 49670
Link to DSGVO/Datenschutzerklärung der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Neuroethology / Behavioural Physiology
The way an animal perceives the world depends on information gathered by its senses which will then guide its behavioural actions. Our research targets the computational principles and neuronal mechanisms by which sensory pathways extract relevant information from the environment. We then ask how this information is used for decision making and appropriate motor action. As a model system we investigate the acoustic communication behaviour of crickets that evolved in the context of attracting and localizing mates. A particular advantage of insects as research objects lies first in their limited repertoire of behavioural actions and second in the relative ease by which the activity of single neurons and small networks in the mini-brains of insects can be quantified. Using behavioural and electrophysiological approaches we aim to identify computational algorithms and to track their neuronal mechanisms. Based on a comparative approach across several genera we address the evolution of behavioural traits as well as their neuronal and genetic basis.
Techniques encompass a range of behavioural and neuro-physiological approaches. Extra- and intracellular recording and staining techniques of individual nerve cells are part of our standard repertoire. A suite of computer-controlled set-ups with high through-put technology allows us to quantify motor outputs as well as to measure behavioural preferences and decisions for a large number of individuals.
- Blankers T, Berdan EL, Hennig RM, Mayer F (2019) Physical linkage and mate preference generate linkage disequilibrium for behavioral isolation in two parapatric crickets. Evolution 73, 777-791, doi:10.1111/evo.13706
- Blankers T, Vilaca S, Waurick I, Gray D, Hennig M, Mazzoni C, Mayer F, Berdan E (2018) Demography and selection shape transcriptomic divergence in field crickets. Evolution 72, 553-567
- Erreger B, Hennig RM, Römer H (2018) The ‚hot male‘ hypothesis: do female crickets prefer males with increased body temperature in mate choice scenarios ? Anim Behav 138, 75-84
- de Camp NV, Heimann A, Kempski O, Bergeler J (2018) Accelerometer-Based Assessment of Intestinal Peristalsis: Toward Miniaturized Low-Power Solutions for Intestinal Implants. IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med 2018; 6: 2700507, doi: 10.1109/JTEHM.2018.2864975
- de Camp NV, Kalinka G, Bergeler J (2018) Light-cured polymer electrodes for non-invasive EEG recordings. Sci Rep 8:14041, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-32304-6
- de Camp NV, Dietze S, Klaßen M, Bergeler J (2018) Noninvasive EEG Recordings from Freely Moving Piglets. J. Vis. Exp. (137), e58226, doi:10.3791/58226 (2018)
- de Camp NV, Hense F, Lecher B, Scheu H, Bergeler J (2017) Models for Preterm Cortical Development Using Non Invasive Clinical EEG. Transl Neurosci 8, 211-224, doi: 10.1515/tnsci-2017-0029
- Blankers T, Block R, Hennig RM (2017) Codivergence but Limited Covariance of Wing Shape and Calling Song Structure in Field Crickets (Gryllus). Evol Biol,
- Bailey NW, Moran P, Hennig RM (2017) Divergent Mechanisms of Acoustic Mate Recognition Between Closely-Related Field Cricket Species (Teleogryllus spp.). Anim Behav 130, 17-25
- Gray DA, Gabel E, Blankers T, Hennig RM (2016) Multivariate female preference tests reveal latent perceptual biases. Proc Roy Soc B 283, 20161972, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1972
- Gabel E, Vural P, Mariot L, Hennig RM (2016) A gain control mechanism governs the weighting of acoustic signal intensity and attractiveness during female decisions. Anim Behav 122, 197-205
- Hennig RM (2016) Dissecting the contribution of sensory cues to directional responses by female crickets in a two-loudspeaker paradigm. J Insect Behav 29: 666 - 679, DOI: 10.1007/s10905-016-9588-7
- Blankers T, Gray DA, Hennig RM (2016) Multivariate phenotypic evolution: divergent acoustic signals and sexual selection in Gryllus field crickets. J Evol Biol, DOI 10.1007/s11692-016-9388-1
- Gabel E, Gray DA, Hennig RM (2016) How females of chirping and trilling field crickets integrate the ‚what‘ and ‚where‘ of male acoustic signals during decision making. J Comp Physiol A, 202: 823 - 837
- Hennig RM, Blankers T, Gray D (2016): Divergence in male cricket song and female preference functions in three allopatric sister species. J Comp Physiol A 202: 347 - 360
- Gabel, E, Hennig, RM (2016): Evidence for comparative decision making in female crickets. Behav. Ecol. DOI:10.1093/beheco/arw030
- Göpfert MC, Hennig RM. (2016) Hearing in Insects. Annu Rev Entomol. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ento-010715-023631
- Rau F, Clemens J, Naumov V, Hennig RM, Schreiber S (2015) Firing-rate resonances in the peripheral auditory system of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. J Comp Physiol A 201:1075-90
- Clemens J, Rau F, Hennig RM, Hildebrandt KJ (2015) Context-dependent coding and gain control in the auditory system of crickets. Eur J Neurosci. 42:2390-406
- Gabel E, Kuntze J, Hennig RM. (2015) Decision making and preferences for acoustic signals in choice situations by female crickets. J Exp Biol. 218:2641-50.
- Blankers T, Luebke AK, Hennig RM (2015) Phenotypic variation and covariation indicate high evolvability of acoustic communication in crickets. J Evol Biol. DOI: 10.1111/jeb.12686
- Blankers T, Hennig RM, Gray DA (2015) Conservation of multivariate female preference functions and preference mechanisms in three species of trilling field crickets. J Evol Biol. 28:630-641
- Hildebrandt KJ, Ronacher B, Hennig RM, Benda J (2015): A neural mechanism for time-window separation resolves ambiguity of adaptive coding. PLoS Biol. 13(3): e1002096. doi:10.1371/ journal.pbio.1002096
- Hildebrandt KJ, Benda J, Hennig RM (2015) Computational themes of peripheral processing in the auditory pathway of insects. J Comp Physiol A 201:39-50
- Ronacher B, Hennig RM, Clemens J (2015) Computational principles underlying recognition of acoustic signals in grasshoppers and crickets. J Comp Physiol A 201:61-71
- Hennig RM, Ronacher B (2014) Auditory processing in insects. In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neurosciences. Eds: D Jaeger, R Jung. Springer Press
- Hennig RM, Heller KG, Clemens J (2014) Time and timing in the acoustic recognition system of crickets. Front Physiol. 2014 Aug 12;5:286. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00286
- Clemens J, Hennig RM (2013) Computational principles underlying the recognition of acoustic signals in insects. J Comp Neurosci 35: 75 - 85
- Meckenhäuser G, Hennig RM, Nawrot MP (2013) Critical song features for auditory pattern recognition in crickets. PLoS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0055349
- Rothbart MM, Hennig RM (2012) Calling song signals and temporal preference functions in the cricket Teleogryllus leo. J Comp Physiol A 198, 817 - 825
- Rothbart MM, Hennig RM (2012) The Steppengrille (Gryllus spec./assimilis): selective filters and signal mismatch on two time scales. PLoS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043975
- Grobe B, Rothbart MM, Hanschke A, Hennig RM (2012) Auditory processing at two time scales by the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. J Exp Biol 215, 1681 - 1690
- Schneider E, Hennig RM (2012) Temporal resolution for calling song signals by female crickets, Gryllus bimaculatus. J Comp Physiol A 198, 181 - 191
- Hildebrandt KJ, Benda J, Hennig RM (2011) Multiple arithmetic operations in a single neuron: the recruitment of adaptation processes in the cricket auditory pathway depends on sensory context. J Neurosci 31, 14142 - 14150
- Einhäupl A, Stange N, Hennig RM, Ronacher B (2011) Attractiveness of grasshopper songs correlates with their robustness against noise. Behav Ecol 22, 791 - 799
- Hennig RM (2009) Walking in Fourier's space: algorithms for the computation of periodicities in song patterns by the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. J Comp Physiol A 195, 971 - 987
- Hildebrandt KJ, Benda J, Hennig RM (2009) The Origin of Adaptation in the Auditory Pathway of Locusts is Specific to Cell Type and Function. J Neuroscience 29, 2626 - 2636
- Kostarakos K, Hennig RM, Römer H (2009) Two matched filters and the evolution of mating signals in four species of cricket. Front. Zool 6, 22; doi:10.1186/1742-9994-6-22
- Granada A, Hennig RM, Ronacher B, Kramer A, Herzel HP (2009) Phase Response Curves: Elucidating the dynamics of coupled oscillators. Methods in Enzymology 454, 1 - 27
- Benda J, Hennig RM (2008) Spike-frequency adaptation generates intensity invariance in a primary auditory interneuron. J Comput Neurosci 24: 113-136
- Wimmer K, Hildebrandt KJ, Hennig RM, Obermayer K (2008) Adaptation and Selective Information Transmission in the Cricket Auditory Neuron AN2. PLoS Comput Biol, 4(9): e1000182. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000182
- Schmidt A, Ronacher B, Hennig RM (2007) The role of frequency, phase and time for processing of amplitude modulated signals by grasshoppers. J Comp Physiol A 194:221-33
- Vogel A, Hennig RM, Ronacher B (2005) Increase of neuronal response variability at higher processing levels as revealed by simultaneous recordings. J Neurophysiol 93, 3548 - 3559
- Ronacher B, Hennig RM (2004): Neuronal adaptation improves the recognition of temporal patterns in a grasshopper. J Comp Physiol A 190, 311-319
- Fonseca PJ, Hennig RM (2004) Directional characteristics of the auditory system of cicadas: the sound producing tymbal as an integral part of directional hearing? Physiol Entomol 29, 400 - 408
- Hennig RM, Franz A, Stumpner A (2004) Auditory processing in insects. Micr Res Techn 63, 351 - 374
- Ronacher B, Franz A, Wohlgemuth S, Hennig RM (2004) Variability of spike trains and the processing of temporal patterns of acoustic signals - problems, constraints, and solutions. J Comp Physiol A 190, 257-277
- Hennig RM (2003) Acoustic feature extraction by cross-correlation in crickets? J Comp Physiol A 189, 589 - 598
- Benda J, Bethge M, Hennig RM, Pawelzik K, Herz AVM (2001): Spike-Frequency Adaptation: Phenomenological Model and Experimental Tests. Neurocomputing 38-40, 105-110
- Fonseca PJ, Münch D, Hennig RM (2000) How cicadas interpret acoustic signals. Nature 405, 297 - 298
- Ronacher B, Krahe R, Hennig RM (2000) Effects of signal duration on the recognition of masked communication signals by a grasshopper. J Comp Physiol A 186, 1065 - 1072
- Otte D, Hennig RM (1998) A new species of Damaracheta from South Africa. J Ortohoptera Res 7, 241 - 243
- Daws AG, Hennig RM, Young D (1997) Phonotaxis in the cicadas Cystosoma saundersii and Cyclochila australasiae. Bioacoustics 7, 173 - 188.
- Hennig RM, Weber T (1997) Filtering of temporal parameters of the calling song by cricket females of two closely related species: a behavioral analysis. J Comp Physiol A 180, 621 - 630
- Fonseca PJ, Hennig RM (1996) Phasic action of the tensor muscle modulates the calling song in cicadas. J Exp Biol 199, 1535 - 1544.
- Paripovic I, Hennig RM, Otto D (1996) Abdominal ventilatory pattern in crickets depends on the stridulatory motor pattern. Physiol Entomol 21, 223-230
- Hennig RM, Otto D (1996) Distributed control of song pattern generation in crickets revealed by lesions to the thoracic ganglia. Zoology 99, 268 - 276
- Hennig RM, Weber T, Huber F, Kleindienst H.U., Moore TE,, Popov AV (1994) Auditory threshold change in singing cicadas. J Exp Biol 187, 45-55
- Hennig RM, Weber T, Huber F, Moore TE, Kleindienst HU, Popov AV (1993). A new function for an old structure: the 'timbal muscle' in cicada females. Naturwissenschaften 80, 324-326
- Hennig RM, Weber T, Moore TE, Huber F, Kleindienst HU, Popov AV (1994). Function of the tensor muscle in the cicada Tibicen linnei. J Exp Biol 187, 33-44.
- Otto D, Hennig RM (1993) Interneurons descending from the cricket subesophageal ganglion control stridulation and ventilation. Naturwissenschaften 80, 36 - 38
- Hennig RM (1992) Mechanisms of motor pattern switching in crickets: stridulation and flight. in: Neurobiology of motor programme selection - New approaches to the study of behavioural choice. eds.: Kien J, McCrohan CR, Winlow W, Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 105 - 122
- Hennig, RM (1990) Neuronal control of the forewings in two different behaviours: Stridulation and flight in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus. J Comp Physiol A 167, 617 - 627
- Hennig, RM (1990) Neuronal organisation of the flight motor pattern in the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus. J Comp Physiol A 167, 629 - 630
- Hennig, RM (1989) Neuromuscular activity during stridulation in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus J Comp Physiol A 165: 837-846
- Hennig, RM (1988) Ascending auditory interneurons in the cricket Teleogryllus commodus: comparative physiology and direct connections with afferents. J Comp Physiol A 163, 135 - 143