About the ERU-CAP
Our Einstein Research Unit “Coping with Affective Polarization – How Civil Society Fosters Social Cohesion” (ERU-CAP) is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the phenomenon of affective polarisation and
ways of constructively dealing with its consequences. Our scientific team consists of researchers from the Humboldt Universiät Berlin, the Freie Universität Berlin and the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

We are dedicated to making our research visible to the public and translating our insights into practical applications across diverse social contexts. Therefore, we collaborate with our partners from civil society to learn from their practical experiences and facilitate a mututal exchange between science and the public.

The ERU-CAP is part of the Berlin University Alliance and funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin.

Affective Polarization

Polarization lies at the center of current debates about the erosion of social cohesion. A particularly controversial issue is affective polarization – the tendency to feel a stronger sympathy and connection to like-minded people and parties while holding negative emotions and dismissive attitudes towards those with different beliefs. This “us versus them” mentality possesses the potential to inflict considerable harm upon societies, as it impedes the capacity for collaboration and compromise across various interest groups and political divisions, and erodes trust in government institutions. Consequently, affective polarization fosters intolerance, incivility and hate speech and may contribute to political violence, ultimately posing a threat to democracy. In light of these developments, our ERU-CAP seeks to answer the crucial question:

How can we, as a society, deal with affective polarization and reduce its negative effects?

Social Cohesion as a Resource

We believe that social cohesion is a crucial resource in mitigating the effects of affective polarization.
A cohesive society fosters dialogue, mutual understanding, and civic engagement, enabling individuals and groups of people to navigate conflicts without deepening political and social divisions. Strengthening these qualities can help reduce affective polarization and its harmful consequences. For more information on our research on social cohesion see our previous project Interaction in Civil Society.

The Role of Civil Society

Civil society plays a key role in putting the idea of social cohesion into practice, because it is directly involved in the everyday practices and interactions that foster social unity. In particular, civil society organizations, such as NGOs and activist groups, are crucial in bridging divides through their on-the-ground work.
That is why we closely collaborate with our partners from civil society, combining their approaches and practical experiences with our empirical-analytical insights. Together, we explore and implement effective intervention strategies to promote cooperation across social and political divides, for instance, and thereby strengthen social cohesion and reduce the negative effects of polarisation.

Overarching Research Questions and Aims:
  • How pronounced is affective polarization in Germany? To what extent and under which circumstances
    does it change over time?

  • What factors influence the degree of affective polarization among individuals and groups from civil society? How are the effects of affective polarization dealt with at the individual level, in social interactions and within activist groups?

  • How can social cohesion act as a resource for coping constructively with affective polarization? In what ways can civil society effectively mobilize cohesion mitigate the negative consequences of affective polarization?

The investigation of these overarching research questions is facilitated by development and establishment of a large data infrastructure, focused interdisciplinary empirical research,
and a common interest in developing novel interventions involving actors from civil society.
Specifically, we strive to answer these questions by realizing the aims of Monitoring, Understanding and Navigating affective polarization:

Aim 1: Monitoring

A central aim is the development and establishment of the Berlin Polarization Monitor (BPM), which serves as a data infrastructure to continuously measure the dynamics of affective polarization based on a large-scale panel study. The BPM is intended to measure the degree of polarization and the associated emotions for a variety of topics and thus act as a kind of social seismograph.

Aim 2: Understanding

Our interdisciplinary empirical research strives to understand the dynamics of affective polarization over time by analyzing the mechanisms and factors that influence affective polarization. Using a variety of research methods, we aim to identify strategies to cope with affective polarization at the level of the individual, social interactions and civil society groups.

Aim 3: Navigating

Building on our research, we aim to develop interventions that position civil society as a key actor in mobilizing resources to counter the negative consequences of affective polarization. Fostering social cohesion serves as a central coping strategy within these interventions, which we will co-design in close collaboration with our partners from civil society and translate into their everyday contexts.

Research Perspectives

We approach our research questions from an interdisciplinary perspective, bringing together expertise
from a wide range of scientific fields:

  • Psychology
  • Political Science
  • Sociology

  • Psychiatry

  • Philosophy

  • Communication Science

By drawing on these disciplines, we apply diverse theoretical frameworks and rigorous research methods, such as surveys, interviews, and media analysis, to study affective polarisation and and explore strategies to mitigate it.

A key aspect of our work is the active involvement of civil society actors. Using participatory research methods, we collaborate with our partners from civil society to co-develop effective intervention strategies.

Main Research Ideas & Concepts in a Nutshell

Interested in exploring further? Browse the questions below for a concise overview of our shared understanding of the core ideas and concepts guiding our research.

Affective Polarization describes the tendency of individuals and groups to feel a stronger connection to like-minded people (“in-group favoritism”), while harboring negative emotions and demeaning attitudes toward those individuals or groups with differing views (“outgroup dislike”).
There are various conceptualizations and related definitions on societal polarization. One major distinction is the one between affective polarization and so-called “issue-based polarization” with the latter referring to XYXY.
In our ERU-CAP, we focus on affective polarization because we are particularly interested in..

Despite our focus on the affective dimension of polarization, our research activities also involve various closely-related polarization-associated issues such as “climate”, …

Affective Polarization can have serious societal consequences on various levels, threatening the glue that ties societies together. Among other things, this glue is constituted by the ability to co-operate and compromise across (conflicting) interest groups and political positions. Tolerance and trust in others as well as in government institutions are fundamental for the functioning of democratic societies.

Affective polarization poses a threat to these qualities and increases social fragmentations, as it involves the devaluation of and negative affect towards other-minded people or groups. As a consequence, societies and their institutions may not only be regarded in antagonistic terms of “us versus them”, but also treated accordingly by behaviors such as hate speech, political violence and incivility.

There are various stances from which social cohesion can be conceptualized. From our perspective, cohesion is understood in terms of (the properties of) individuals and of social collectives, and how they relate to each other through various forms of exchange, communication, and social interaction.

Thereby, the concept of social cohesion does not imply the absence of conflict, but instead assumes that the ways in which conflicting interests and worldviews are enacted, negotiated, resolved or protracted determine the emergence, maintenance, and erosion of cohesion. From this vantage point, cohesion can very well be conceived of as society’s resources and abilities to cope with and actively shape potentially detrimental outcomes of affective polarization. This requires, for example, understanding whether and how societies supply means and opportunities for meaningful interactions within and across polarized groups.

How can society deal with affective polarization and reduce its negative consequences? In our ERU- CAP, we believe that social cohesion is a vital tool for coping with affective polarization in a constructive way.

Von der Cohesion-seite:
The concept of civil society has a long tradition in political thought and public debate. Often, civil society is associated with ideas of the common good or desirable forms of human interactions. In our exploration project, we take a less normative and more sectoral approach to the phenomenon. We consider all voluntary associations of citizens (broadly defined) between the state and the market. These associations may range from recreational associations, environmental and human-rights interest organizations to social movement and protest networks.

>> Foster social cohesion..
Our research unit builds on a previous project called “Interaction in Civil Society”, analyzing the crucial, yet ambivalent, links between civil society and social cohesion. For more information see (LINK).

About the Einstein Foundation

Our Einstein Research Unit “Coping with Affective Polarization – How Civil Society Fosters Social Cohesion” (ERU-CAP) is funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin, a foundation that aims to promote cutting-edge scientific research and establish inter- and transdisciplinary networks in strategically important research fields among members of the Berlin University Alliance. The research grant number ist ERU-2023-78.

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