Our team
Our project combines theoretical and methodological expertise of seven disciplines in the social sciences, mathematical and natural sciences, and the humanities to better understand the interaction dynamics of civil society address at different analytical levels and through different modalities.
Our team includes:
Larissa Knoechelmann DE
Larissa Knoechelmann Principal Investigator RESEARCH STREAMS “INDIVIDUALS” Mail: fu-berlin.de Website: Short Vita I am professor of Macrosociology at the Free University Berlin. I did my PhD thesis at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and had research positions at the University of Bremen and of Göttingen. My main research interests lie in the fields of political sociology, [...]
Prof. Dr. Jan Slaby DE
Prof. Dr. Jan Slaby Principal Investigator Mail: fu-berlin.de Website: Short Vita I am professor of Macrosociology at the Free University Berlin. I did my PhD thesis at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and had research positions at the University of Bremen and of Göttingen. My main research interests lie in the fields of political sociology, the sociology [...]
Prof. Dr. Hanna Schwander DE
Prof. Dr. Hanna Schwander Principal Investigator Mail: fu-berlin.de Website: Short Vita I am professor of Macrosociology at the Free University Berlin. I did my PhD thesis at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and had research positions at the University of Bremen and of Göttingen. My main research interests lie in the fields of political sociology, the sociology [...]
Diego Dametto DE
Diego Dametto Stream Interaction Mail: Website: https://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/soziologie/arbeitsbereiche/emotionen/team/wimi/diego-dametto.html Short Vita Ich habe Philosophie und Geschichte der Ideen (M.A.) an der Università degli Studi di Torino und Zukunftsforschung (M.A.) an der Freien Universität Berlin studiert. Beruflich war ich als Datenanalyst und später als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Fachhochschule Potsdam und am IZT - Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung tätig. Zurzeit [...]
Céline Teney DE
Céline Teney Research Unit Macrosociology Department of Political and Social Sciences Mail: fu-berlin.de Website: Short Vita I am professor of Macrosociology at the Free University Berlin. I did my PhD thesis at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and had research positions at the University of Bremen and of Göttingen. My main research interests lie in the [...]