Our Einstein Research Unit ERU-CAP consists of five interconnected research streams that tackle our overarching research questions and aims of (1) Monitoring affective polarization, (2) Understanding its mechanisms and influencing factors at the individual, social interaction and civil society group level, and (3) Navigating the negative consequences of affective polarization by fostering social cohesion.
The Berlin Polarisation Monitor is a large-scale, long-term survey that provides a data system for continuously tracking the dynamics of affective polarisation.
Building on but also extending this data infrastructure, the three research streams “Individuals”, “Social Interactions” and “Civil Society Groups” aim to understand mechanisms of affective polarization and to identify resources that enable individuals and civil society groups to cope and actively address the detrimental consequences of affective polarization.
The empirical insights gained from these research streams will serve as foundation of the Civil Society Interventions Lab, which focuses on the development of impactful interventions on the individual- and group-level in close collaboration with our partners from civil society.
Research Streams
Principle Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas, Dr. Denis Gerstorf, Prof. Dr. Hanna Schwander, Prof. Dr. Jule Specht, Prof. Dr. Céline Teney
Postdoc researcher:
Dr. Bastian Becker
Doctoral candidate:
Luke Shuttleworth
Research Questions and Objectives
Lorem Epsom dolor. Loren ipsum: Our Einstein Research Unit consists of 5 interconnected Projects that tackle our overarching research questions and aims of (1) Monitoring Affective Polarization, (2) Understanding its mechanisms and influencing factors at the individual, social interaction and civil society group level, and (3) Coping with the negative consequences of affective polarization by fostering social cohesion.
With the Berlin Polarization Monitor we establish the data infrastructure that enables the continuous examination of affective polarization dynamics. This innovative monitoring system is designed to conduct a large-scale panel study.
Building on but also extending this data infrastructure, the three Research Streams “Individuals” “Interactions” and “Groups” aim to understand mechanisms of affective polarization and to identify resources that enable individuals and civil society groups to cope and actively address the detrimental consequences of affective polarization.
The empirical insights gained from these Research Streams will serve as foundation of the Civil Society Interventions Lab, which focuses on the development of impactful interventions on the individual- and group-level in close collaboration with our partners from civil society.
Methodological Approach
Lorem Epsom dolor. Loren ipsum: Our Einstein Research Unit consists of 5 interconnected Projects that tackle our overarching research questions and aims of (1) Monitoring Affective Polarization, (2) Understanding its mechanisms and influencing factors at the individual, social interaction and civil society group level, and (3) Coping with the negative consequences of affective polarization by fostering social cohesion.
With the Berlin Polarization Monitor we establish the data infrastructure that enables the continuous examination of affective polarization dynamics. This innovative monitoring system is designed to conduct a large-scale panel study.
Building on but also extending this data infrastructure, the three Research Streams “Individuals” “Interactions” and “Groups” aim to understand mechanisms of affective polarization and to identify resources that enable individuals and civil society groups to cope and actively address the detrimental consequences of affective polarization.
The empirical insights gained from these Research Streams will serve as foundation of the Civil Society Interventions Lab, which focuses on the development of impactful interventions on the individual- and group-level in close collaboration with our partners from civil society.
Collaboration of the BPM with the other parts of our research program
Lorem Epsom dolor. Loren ipsum: Our Einstein Research Unit consists of 5 interconnected Projects that tackle our overarching research questions and aims of (1) Monitoring Affective Polarization, (2) Understanding its mechanisms and influencing factors at the individual, social interaction and civil society group level, and (3) Coping with the negative consequences of affective polarization by fostering social cohesion.
With the Berlin Polarization Monitor we establish the data infrastructure that enables the continuous examination of affective polarization dynamics. This innovative monitoring system is designed to conduct a large-scale panel study.
Building on but also extending this data infrastructure, the three Research Streams “Individuals” “Interactions” and “Groups” aim to understand mechanisms of affective polarization and to identify resources that enable individuals and civil society groups to cope and actively address the detrimental consequences of affective polarization.
The empirical insights gained from these Research Streams will serve as foundation of the Civil Society Interventions Lab, which focuses on the development of impactful interventions on the individual- and group-level in close collaboration with our partners from civil society.

Principle Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Malek Bajbouj, Dr. Ronja Demel, Dr. David Schieferdecker, Prof. Dr. Hanna Schwander, Prof. Dr. Jule Specht
Postdoc researchers:
Dr. Nadine Knab, Dr. Larissa Knöchelmann, Dr. Lucas Köhler
Lorem Epsom dolor. Loren ipsum: Our Einstein Research Unit consists of 5 interconnected Projects that tackle our overarching research questions and aims of (1) Monitoring Affective Polarization, (2) Understanding its mechanisms and influencing factors at the individual, social interaction and civil society group level, and (3) Coping with the negative consequences of affective polarization by fostering social cohesion.
With the Berlin Polarization Monitor we establish the data infrastructure that enables the continuous examination of affective polarization dynamics. This innovative monitoring system is designed to conduct a large-scale panel study.
Building on but also extending this data infrastructure, the three Research Streams “Individuals” “Interactions” and “Groups” aim to understand mechanisms of affective polarization and to identify resources that enable individuals and civil society groups to cope and actively address the detrimental consequences of affective polarization.

Principle Investigators:
Dr. Denis Gerstorf, Prof. Dr. Ursula Hess, Prof. Dr. Jan Slaby, Prof. Dr. Christian von Scheve
Postdoc researchers:
Dr. Diego Dametto, Dr. Stefanie Hechler
Lorem Epsom dolor. Loren ipsum: Our Einstein Research Unit consists of 5 interconnected Projects that tackle our overarching research questions and aims of (1) Monitoring Affective Polarization, (2) Understanding its mechanisms and influencing factors at the individual, social interaction and civil society group level, and (3) Coping with the negative consequences of affective polarization by fostering social cohesion.
With the Berlin Polarization Monitor we establish the data infrastructure that enables the continuous examination of affective polarization dynamics. This innovative monitoring system is designed to conduct a large-scale panel study.
Building on but also extending this data infrastructure, the three Research Streams “Individuals” “Interactions” and “Groups” aim to understand mechanisms of affective polarization and to identify resources that enable individuals and civil society groups to cope and actively address the detrimental consequences of affective polarization.
The empirical insights gained from these Research Streams will serve as foundation of the Civil Society Interventions Lab, which focuses on the development of impactful interventions on the individual- and group-level in close collaboration with our partners from civil society.

Principle Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Swen Hutter, Prof. Dr. Barbara Pfetsch, Prof. Dr. Simon Koschut
Postdoc researchers:
Dr. Clara van den Berg, Dr. Rico Neuman
Lorem Epsom dolor. Loren ipsum: Our Einstein Research Unit consists of 5 interconnected Projects that tackle our overarching research questions and aims of (1) Monitoring Affective Polarization, (2) Understanding its mechanisms and influencing factors at the individual, social interaction and civil society group level, and (3) Coping with the negative consequences of affective polarization by fostering social cohesion.
With the Berlin Polarization Monitor we establish the data infrastructure that enables the continuous examination of affective polarization dynamics. This innovative monitoring system is designed to conduct a large-scale panel study.

Principle Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Malek Bajbouj, Dr. Ronja Demel, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas, Dr. Denis Gerstorf, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas, Prof. Dr. Simon Koschut
Postdoc researcher:
Dr. Nadine Knab
Main Text
– Tabelle „Intervention Techniques“
Lorem Epsom dolor. Loren ipsum: Our Einstein Research Unit consists of 5 interconnected Projects that tackle our overarching research questions and aims of (1) Monitoring Affective Polarization, (2) Understanding its mechanisms and influencing factors at the individual, social interaction and civil society group level, and (3) Coping with the negative consequences of affective polarization by fostering social cohesion.
With the Berlin Polarization Monitor we establish the data infrastructure that enables the continuous examination of affective polarization dynamics. This innovative monitoring system is designed to conduct a large-scale panel study.
Building on but also extending this data infrastructure, the three Research Streams “Individuals” “Interactions” and “Groups” aim to understand mechanisms of affective polarization and to identify resources that enable individuals and civil society groups to cope and actively address the detrimental consequences of affective polarization.
The empirical insights gained from these Research Streams will serve as foundation of the Civil Society Interventions Lab, which focuses on the development of impactful interventions on the individual- and group-level in close collaboration with our partners from civil society.