MULTIFOREVER is a scientific project combining expertise in tree breeding and biotechnologies of 6 teams from 6 countries.
The project intends to provide efficient vegetative propagation for major conifer species in EU and Argentina to allow the deployment of improved varieties in plantations, a strategy called multi-varietal forestry

Who we are:

  • We are a group of Euro­pean & Argen­tin­ian sci­en­tists fed­er­at­ed since 2008 with­in the IUFRO Work­ing Par­ty 2.09.02 (somat­ic embryo­ge­n­e­sis and oth­er veg­e­ta­tive prop­a­ga­tion tech­nolo­gies) and fur­ther joined in the transna­tion­al Forest­Val­ue 3‑year-project MULTIFOREVER (2019 – 2022).
  • Team mem­bers are hav­ing a long-stand­ing focus on the devel­op­ment of somat­ic embryo­ge­n­e­sis in conifers: This veg­e­ta­tive prop­a­ga­tion tech­nol­o­gy has the strik­ing abil­i­ty to mul­ti­ply and mim­ic in vit­ro the nat­ur­al devel­op­ment of embryos with­in seed.
  • All part­ner orga­ni­za­tions are renowned research insti­tu­tions in their respec­tive coun­try cov­er­ing a wide range of for­est research dis­ci­plines from genet­ics and sil­vi­cul­ture to bioe­con­o­my, envi­ron­ment and soci­etal issues.
  • The project is coor­di­nat­ed by Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität zu Berlin (HUB, Ger­many) and sup­port­et by Swedish Uni­ver­si­ty of Agri­cul­tur­al Sci­ences (SLU).

Transnational cooperation
& Scientific partners

Combining our expertise in conifer somatic embryogenesis, we will be able to share experience, achievements and materials useful to tackle still unresolved issues to refine the process. Cooperation should also enable a faster transfer of technologies from EU to Argentina. 

Our Consortium


Luke SE research team: Tech­ni­cian Kai­ja Pork­ka, researcher Jaani­ka Edesi, researcher Mikko Tikki­nen, researcher Saila Varis, prin­ci­ple researcher Tui­ja Aro­nen, researcher Sakari Välimä­ki, tech­ni­cian Paula Matikainen and tech­ni­cian Airi Hut­tunen (from left to right). 


NEIKER SE research team:


HUB SE research team:


INRAE SE research team:


SLU SE research team:


INTA SE research team:


Com­mit­ments for prac­ti­cal-ori­ent­ed and com­mu­ni­ca­tion activ­i­ties to pro­mote mul­ti-vari­etal forestry as an essen­tial com­po­nent of sus­tain­able forestry were obtained from a num­ber of forestry orga­ni­za­tions in 5 countries:


Foresty cooperative

Tree nurs­ery


Tree breeding institution

Tree nurs­ery


Forestry association

Tim­ber and fore­stal agrobusiness


Forest industries federation


Forestry & timber association


Project MULTIFOREVER is sup­port­ed under the umbrel­la of ERA-NET Cofund ‘Forest­Val­ue – Inno­vat­ing for­est-based bioe­con­o­my’ by ANR (FR), FNR (DE), MIN­CyT (AR), MINECO-AEI (ES), MMM (FI) and VINNOVA (SE). Forest­Val­ue has received fund­ing from the Euro­pean Union’s Hori­zon 2020 research and inno­va­tion pro­gramme under grant agree­ment N°773324.

ForestValue Project Observers: