Urban development via Public-Civic-Partnerships: Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts.
Urban development via Public-Civic-Partnerships: Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts.

About the project

In our research project Urban Development via Public-Civic Partnerships. Forms of Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts we conduct research in and with the two Berlin model projects Haus der Statistik and Rathausblock Kreuzberg. The research generates an interface between urban anthropology and urban design. The focus is on the following activities: investigating forms of cooperation that go beyond participation, making controversies that guide the cooperation visible, and supporting the actors in making model elements transferable.

© Raquel Gomez
© Raquel Gomez

Our approach is multimodal and co*laborative. Together with actors from local initiatives, politics and administration as well as intermediaries, scientists and students, we are organizing a workshop series Modelling Controversies, running a Zauderbude (dithering booth) at the Haus der Statistik and developing different publication formats - in particular a glossary of misunderstandings and a How-To-Guide

About the team

Project Management
Prof. Dr. Ignacio Farías

Research Associate
Rebecca Wall (Arch/UD)
Felix Marlow (Arch/EE)

Student Assistance
Stassja Mrozinski (Design/EE)
Paula Granda Ojeda (Arch)


Rebecca Wall studied architecture and urban design in Weimar and Hamburg. As an urban practitioner, she works and researches at the intersection of activist, artistic, and spatial urban production. In collaboration with self-organized initiatives, public administration and politics, she develops experimental formats for the collaborative production of space. Since January 2022, she is a research associate at the Chair of Urban Anthropology at the Humboldt University of Berlin, conducting research on model projects of cooperative, community-oriented urban development.

Since January 2022, she is a research associate at the Chair of Urban Anthropology at the Humboldt University of Berlin, conducting research on model projects of cooperative, community-oriented urban development.

Email rebecca.wall@hu-berlin.de

Felix Marlow is an urban anthropologist. Felix studied Architecture and Urbanism at HCU Hamburg and European Ethnology at HU Berlin. Felix is interested in how practices of care and solidarity can be supported via urbanist interventions. Felix worked as ambassador at WERKSTATT Haus der Statistik, translating between urban publics and an experimental urban development process. Recently, Felix shifted his mode of involvement in this project – now being member of the Urban Development via Public Civic Partnerships research team at HU Berlin. Apart from that, Felix likes people, the sea, and not being woken up.

Email marlowfx@hu-berlin.de

Ignacio Farías works at the crossroads of social and cultural anthropology, science and technology studies and urban studies. His research focuses on infrastructural and environmental transformations of European and Latin American cities and the political and democratic challenges these transformations entail. His current work explores the urban politics of airborne disruptions, involving heat, noise and radio waves, as well as current experiments in civic-led common-good oriented urban development projects. He is interested in experimenting with ethnography as an inventive practice of city-making performed with others (designers, initiatives, concerned groups, policy makers) and by other means (moving from textual to material productions).

Email ignacio.farias@hu-berlin.de

Paula Granda Ojeda was involved at the department of Design and Spatial Arts as Tutor for several years, before completing her bachelor studies in Architecture at the MSA (Münster School of Architecture). After one and a half years working in different architecture studios in Berlin, she started her Master at the UdK (Universität der Künste) Berlin. Currently, her focus lies on critical studies and the transdisciplinary research and work between architecture and other disciplines.  

Email paula.granda.ojeda@hu-berlin.de

Stassja Mrozinski (they/them) trained in Graphic Design at Central Saint Martins and has worked as a freelance designer in London and Berlin. As an undergraduate student of European Ethnology and Gender Studies at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Stassja’s current research interests include accessibility, academic and artistic practice and multimodality in research and pedagogy.

Email stassja.mrozinski@hu-berlin.de

The research project is funded by Zukunft Bau from the Bundesministeriums für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesendes and is part of the Stadtlabors für multimodale Anthropologie at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Institut für europäische Ethnologie (IfEE) – Lehrstuhl Stadtanthropologie).