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Workshop: Arbeit an Simone Weil


This student workshop was inspired by the lively discussions that took place during the seminar sessions in Winter Term 2020/21 that were open to both students of the University of Vienna and students of HU Berlin. On 26/3/2021, some of those students came together with the denkkollektiv and the members of the HUVAC-project to consider ... Mehr ...

The Denkkollektiv joined the group Women in the History of Philosophy (“AG Frauen in der Geschichte der Philosophie”)

In September 2021, the Denkkollektiv was accepted as a member of the AG Women in the History of Philosophy of the German Society of Philosophy. In this context, Max Walther and Tom Sojer introduced the Denkkollektiv on September 6, 2021, during the annual conference of the German Society of Philosophy, which was hosted this year online by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

Workshop: Attention. Öffnungen durchqueren nach Simone Weil (HUVAC-Project 2021 “Simone Weil Revisited”)

University of Vienna , Austria

  The international and interdisciplinary workshop "Attention. Öffnungen durchqueren nach Simone Weil" took place at the University of Vienna from 27 to 30 September 21. In this German-language, in-person workshop, students and established scholars of both the University of Vienna and the HU Berlin gathered to discuss and explore Weil’s writings at an eye-to-eye level. ... Mehr ...

Steirischer Herbst ’21: Simone Weil… [nicht zu akademisch]


On 3 October 2021, Max Walther, Tom Sojer and Martina Bengert from the Simone Weil denkkollektiv held an open performance lecture as part of the Austrian art festival “Steirischer Herbst”. The performance took place in the immediate vicinity of Thomas Hirschhorn’s “Simone Weil Memorial” on Esperantoplatz in Graz. The performance was entitled “Simone Weil not ... Mehr ...

metaxy[l]ophon n°1

"What becomes of agency in a more-than-human world?"   metaxyophon: Our new event series We are always searching for new ways of thinking and working together in order to find inspiring and innovative ways of working in collectives, communities and networks that supplement ‘regular’ academic events such as workshops, conferences and seminars. This continuous search ... Mehr ...

Drei Sätze #6: Martina Bengert, Thomas Sojer, Max Walther

Max Walther, Tom Sojer and Martina Bengert wrote a collaborative text in the section “ Drei Sätze” ("Three Sentences") of "Literaturwissenschaft Berlin", which informs literary scholars and enthusiasts about the latest debates, events and research in the Berlin literary scene. Their text explains/performs in its own way what thinking in a collective means (to the ... Mehr ...

Écriture sabotée

In November 2021, the Istanbul art magazine Art  Unlimited published the Turkish version of the writing experiment "Écriture  sabotée/sabotage créateur. Reading Simone Weil, Strolling Through  Textual Ruins" by Tom Sojer, Max Walther and Martina Bengert. We experimented with Simone Weil’s notion of ‘not reading’ in collaboration with artist Thomas Hirschhorn, approaching the concept via multiple ... Mehr ...

The denʞkollektiv introduces itself in the context of Esther Ramharter’s seminar “Lektüreproseminar: Texte von Simone Weil”

University of Vienna , Austria

Esther Ramharter, member of the HUVAC-project, will give the denʞkollektiv the opportunity to introduce itself to new students of Simone Weil's work in the context of her Simone Weil reading seminar at the University of Vienna. The seminar takes place during Winter Term 2021/22 and focuses on giving students a broad understanding of Weil while ... Mehr ...

Retreat: Lines, lines, dot, line. K N O T.

We need knots. The denkkollektiv, c’est vivre la cordée: Manifold lines of flight, people, friends, yet unknown projects docking and un-docking, ever-changing constellations, and cooperation. From time to time – at least once a year – we hold our breaths to let the past, present, and future merge. This year we will come together in ... Mehr ...

Leipzig denkt: ‘What can we still do now? Alert and utopia’ (‘Was ist uns jetzt noch möglich? Alarm und Utopie‘)

On Wednesday, 5 October 2022, Simone Weil aka Martina will debate the question ‘What can we still do now? Alert and utopia’ (‘Was ist uns jetzt noch möglich? Alarm und Utopie‘) together with Hannah Arendt, Hans Jonas, and Ernst Bloch. This discussion among four dead philosophers is part of the philosophy festival ‘Leipzig denkt’. The ... Mehr ...