

WiNS – Women in Natural Sciences

WINS Circle Meeting

This upcoming gathering will be a opportunity for you to (re)connect, share experiences and make connections with fellow alumnae and mentors. On this day we will have the pleasure of hearing inspiring keynote speeches from three experienced alumnae. Join us for this special gathering!

WINS Circle Meeting
30 November 2023, 16.30 – 19.00

Venue: Humboldt Graduate School, Luisenstr. 56, 10115 Berlin, Room 144 (ground floor)


·  Welcome

·  Dr Martha Kimani (BASF):
My Journey from Research into Industry

·  Dr Tea Ghigo (UCL/ Linacre College):
You can’t get to the top on your own: the power of coaching,
mentorship and therapy

·  Dr Elisa Lopper (HU):
Do it yourself?! – Insights into job crafting as a form of
proactive behavior at work

·  Get together

Kindly confirm your attendance by 17 November 2023! 

Information and registration:
Dr. Petra Metz
Head of WINS Adlershof,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

An event organised in cooperation with and funded by:
WISTA – we get ideas done