On our community
Our aim is to make female scientists from the different fields at Campus Adlershof more visible and to inspire others. Here you find profiles of the people involved: PhD students, postdoctoral researchers as well as professors. You may use this platform as a kind of database to find female experts in all areas of mathematics and science.
Azza Ahmed
Field: Bioinorganic Chemistry
Focus topics: drug therapy, Alzheimer disease (AD), Biomass conversion
Institution: University of Szeged
Azza is a bioinorganic chemistry scientist by background. She is very interested in developing metalloenzymes for the production of second-generation biofuels on an industrial scale which considers a critical everyday life issue. She supports gender equality and works as an activist for women's empowerment, especially in science.
Orcid | Twitter | LinkedIn | Researchgate

Azza Ahmed
Field: Bioinorganic Chemistry
Focus topics: drug therapy, Alzheimer disease (AD), Biomass conversion
Institution: University of Szeged
Azza is a bioinorganic chemistry scientist by background. She is very interested in developing metalloenzymes for the production of second-generation biofuels on an industrial scale which considers a critical everyday life issue. She supports gender equality and works as an activist for women's empowerment, especially in science.
Orcid | Twitter | LinkedIn | Researchgate
Shadi Bagherzadeh-Azbari
Field: Bio-Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience
Focus topics: Emotional Facial Expressions, Eye Gaze, EEG (ERPs), Individual Differences
Institution: Humboldt University of Berlin
Shadi is a cognitive neuroscientist and experimental psychologist by background. She is very interested in science communication with the general public and enthusiastic about integrating neuroscience discoveries into everyday life issues. She supports gender equality and works as an activist for women's empowerment, especially in science.

Shadi Bagherzadeh-Azbari
Field: Bio-Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience
Focus topics: Emotional Facial Expressions, Eye Gaze, EEG (ERPs), Individual Differences
Institution: Humboldt University of Berlin
Shadi is a cognitive neuroscientist and experimental psychologist by background. She is very interested in science communication with the general public and enthusiastic about integrating neuroscience discoveries into everyday life issues. She supports gender equality and works as an activist for women's empowerment, especially in science.
Andra Biesok
Field: Clinical Psychology, Psychological Diagnostics, Psychology
Focus topics: Intelligence research, figurative language and schizotypy
Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Andra completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology in the Netherlands and her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology in Germany. Since 2020 she is working as a Research Assistant at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the research group for Psychological Diagnostics. Together with her team, she has developed an aptitude test for the bachelor's program in psychology. Her PhD project focuses on the integration of figurative language comprehension in an established intelligence model for healthy individuals and the differences in the comprehension of figurative language for individuals with schizotypy.

Andra Biesok
Field: Clinical Psychology, Psychological Diagnostics, Psychology
Focus topics: Intelligence research, figurative language and schizotypy
Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Andra completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology in the Netherlands and her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology in Germany. Since 2020 she is working as a Research Assistant at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the research group for Psychological Diagnostics. Together with her team, she has developed an aptitude test for the bachelor's program in psychology. Her PhD project focuses on the integration of figurative language comprehension in an established intelligence model for healthy individuals and the differences in the comprehension of figurative language for individuals with schizotypy.
Katharina Bögl
Field: Neuroscience, Psychology
Focus topics: Autism, Participatory Research, Mental Health in Academia
Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Katharina is a doctoral researcher and psychotherapist in training. Co-founder of Scholar Minds (www.scholar-minds.net) and reMINDset (www.remindset.net). Passionate about mental health in academia.

Katharina Bögl
Field: Neuroscience, Psychology
Focus topics: Autism, Participatory Research, Mental Health in Academia
Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Katharina is a doctoral researcher and psychotherapist in training. Co-founder of Scholar Minds (www.scholar-minds.net) and reMINDset (www.remindset.net). Passionate about mental health in academia.
Christine Bonsu
Field: Social Science
Focus topics: Sustainable mobility, public transport in cities, institutions & institutional capacity development
Institution: DLR (German Aerospace Centre) – Institute of Transport Research, Berlin
Christine Bonsu is a Research Associate at the DLR (German Aerospace Centre) – Institute of Transport Research, Berlin and a Ph.D. Candidate at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. Professionally, she is a Development Planner with keen research interests in sustainable mobility & transport in cities, and institutions & institutional capacity development.

Christine Bonsu
Field: Social Science
Focus topics: Sustainable mobility, public transport in cities, institutions & institutional capacity development
Institution: DLR (German Aerospace Centre) – Institute of Transport Research, Berlin
Christine Bonsu is a Research Associate at the DLR (German Aerospace Centre) – Institute of Transport Research, Berlin and a Ph.D. Candidate at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. Professionally, she is a Development Planner with keen research interests in sustainable mobility & transport in cities, and institutions & institutional capacity development.
Anna Büttner
Field: Theoretical Physics
Focus topics: Power Grids, Renewable Energy, Stability, Open-Source Software
Institution: Potsdam Insitute for Climate Impact Research
In 2021 Anna graduated from the Humboldt University of Berlin in Physics. Since then she works as a Doctoral Researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on the collective stability of future power grids under renewable energies.

Anna Büttner
Field: Theoretical Physics
Focus topics: Power Grids, Renewable Energy, Stability, Open-Source Software
Institution: Potsdam Insitute for Climate Impact Research
In 2021 Anna graduated from the Humboldt University of Berlin in Physics. Since then she works as a Doctoral Researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on the collective stability of future power grids under renewable energies.
Dr. Ana Guilherme Buzanich
Field: Physics, X-ray spectroscopy
Focus topics: X-ray spectroscopy
Institution: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, Germany
Ana is a senior researcher working at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, Germany. She has a background in (experimental) physics and specialized in X-ray spectroscopy (X-ray absorption and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy). At BAM her scientific work includes hands-on work, project management and student supervision. Hand-on work is mainly at the BAMline and µSpot beamlines at the Berlin synchrotron BESSY-II. This involves (further) development of X-ray spectroscopy methods for answering different material questions in various research topics. For example, supporting discovery and characterization of sustainable materials for catalysis, energy conversion, batteries. She is particularly interested in investigation of dynamic processes that happen in situ with time-resolved X-ray spectroscopy. The other two parts of her work gives her the opportunity to develop also on a personal level, by having interdisciplinary collaborations, and the very rewarding task of supervising students. The highlight of her work life is to see a student developing and shining with a project she designed.

Dr. Ana Guilherme Buzanich
Field: Physics, X-ray spectroscopy
Focus topics: X-ray spectroscopy
Institution: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, Germany
Ana is a senior researcher working at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, Germany. She has a background in (experimental) physics and specialized in X-ray spectroscopy (X-ray absorption and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy). At BAM her scientific work includes hands-on work, project management and student supervision. Hand-on work is mainly at the BAMline and µSpot beamlines at the Berlin synchrotron BESSY-II. This involves (further) development of X-ray spectroscopy methods for answering different material questions in various research topics. For example, supporting discovery and characterization of sustainable materials for catalysis, energy conversion, batteries. She is particularly interested in investigation of dynamic processes that happen in situ with time-resolved X-ray spectroscopy. The other two parts of her work gives her the opportunity to develop also on a personal level, by having interdisciplinary collaborations, and the very rewarding task of supervising students. The highlight of her work life is to see a student developing and shining with a project she designed.
Shanshan Chen
Field: Landscape ecology
Focus topics: Urban form and urban ecosystem services
Institution: geography institute
Shanshan comes from China. During her PhD time, she joined the HU WiNS program, and UNCCD project, TNOC curator, and DCZUE commission. She also founds an Early-Carreer researchers’ community VOK-Boshishen(博识声) since 2020, and organized international workshops on urban climate action. Her research dream is to explore urban spaces to make cities more sustainable and liveable.

Shanshan Chen
Field: Landscape ecology
Focus topics: Urban form and urban ecosystem services
Institution: geography institute
Shanshan comes from China. During her PhD time, she joined the HU WiNS program, and UNCCD project, TNOC curator, and DCZUE commission. She also founds an Early-Carreer researchers’ community VOK-Boshishen(博识声) since 2020, and organized international workshops on urban climate action. Her research dream is to explore urban spaces to make cities more sustainable and liveable.
Daniele Scheres Firak
Field: aqueous phase chemistry
Focus topics: Fenton reactions, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy, chemical kinetics
Institution: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
Daniele is an investigator in the field of water chemistry, passionate about environmental sciences, and currently working at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research in Leipzig, Germany. She was born and raised in the wonderful country of Brazil, and she holds a Ph.D. conferred by the Federal University of Parana in 2019.

Daniele Scheres Firak
Field: aqueous phase chemistry
Focus topics: Fenton reactions, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy, chemical kinetics
Institution: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
Daniele is an investigator in the field of water chemistry, passionate about environmental sciences, and currently working at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research in Leipzig, Germany. She was born and raised in the wonderful country of Brazil, and she holds a Ph.D. conferred by the Federal University of Parana in 2019.
Carineh Ghafafian
Field: mechanics of materials
Focus topics: Composite repairs, fatigue behavior, damage behavior
Institution: Technical University of Berlin and the Federal Institute for Materials
Carineh recently completed her PhD in Mechanical Engineering with the Technical University of Berlin and the Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing in Germany. With a background in materials and mechanical engineering, her interests lie in the intersection of these fields for sustainable lightweight engineering applications. Carineh’s research specialized in the effects of localized scarf joint repairs on the mechanical properties of wind turbine rotor blade shell structures. Taking part in workshops and the Mentoring Program offered by WiNS added immensely to Carineh's experience in Berlin, where she was able to learn from numerous motivated and talented individuals.

Carineh Ghafafian
Field: mechanics of materials
Focus topics: Composite repairs, fatigue behavior, damage behavior
Institution: Technical University of Berlin and the Federal Institute for Materials
Carineh recently completed her PhD in Mechanical Engineering with the Technical University of Berlin and the Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing in Germany. With a background in materials and mechanical engineering, her interests lie in the intersection of these fields for sustainable lightweight engineering applications. Carineh’s research specialized in the effects of localized scarf joint repairs on the mechanical properties of wind turbine rotor blade shell structures. Taking part in workshops and the Mentoring Program offered by WiNS added immensely to Carineh's experience in Berlin, where she was able to learn from numerous motivated and talented individuals.