Elliott, A.G.: Amores 1.5: the Afternoon of a Poet. in: Carl Deroux (Hg.): Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History I. Bruxelles 1979 (Collection Latomus 164) 349-355.
Elliott, A.G.: Amores I.13: Ovid's Art. CJ 69 (1973-74) 127-134.
Elliott, A.G.: Amores 1.5: the Afternoon of a Poet. in: Carl Deroux (Hg.): Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History I. Bruxelles 1979 (Collection Latomus 164) 349-355.
Elliott, A.G.: Amores I.13: Ovid's Art. CJ 69 (1973-74) 127-134.