Serious games in military

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The same principle as in serious games in security goes for games used for military purposes. Additional to train tactics, they are used to explain the use of gadgets and firearms etc. In this category, there's two examples, which aim on two different groups and therefore different factors:


America's army

Screenshot of the game "America's army"

First, there's the serious game America's Army[1]. Its target group is casual gamers - therefore it was developed on the free game engine UnrealEngine[2] in 2002. The game itself is free to play as well and can be played on a common personal computer. By that, it is meant to be a military simulation for young people who are interested in that topic and tries to convince them to join the US army. In the game, two sides fight each other on different maps over different orders like capturing an hostile ammunition-storage. It doesn't matter which team one is joining, one always sees his own team as the US army whilst the enemies are always displayed like a middle eastern army. When fighting, it is more important to play as a team. Therefore the game rather honors teamplay than kills. Also there's more realism when one gets hurt: He's bleeding and shaking and can't be healed completely like in common FPS games like "Battlefield". Also, the weapons are portrayed as real as possible to get a feeling for them in reloading for example.


Army of the netherlands training in an VR-simulator of the US Army.

Another type of serious games are the VR-simulators of the US-army. Unlike the first game, it is tried to simulate a war scene as real as possible. For example, they put cars and trucks into a CAVE[3] and let a group of soldiers drive in a convoy which gets bombed[4]. Simulating it like that is obviously much cheaper than doing it in real life (real support helicopters etc) and doesn't need as much staff and preparation time. But it trains the soldiers the same way as a real training would. VR-simulators are also used in other fields like infantry-training. There, the soldiers for example have to attack a virtual building with virtual enemies. It is done by every soldier wearing VR-goggles and a fake-gun, while standing on a tracking pad.