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This is the wiki page for the EEG Lab at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. Please help us to populate it with good stuff.


  • Fill in the safety protocol for the basement labs.
  • Always watch your head and tell all visitors / participants to do the same!

Access to the lab and position plan

The EEG lab is located in the basement of Luisenstrasse 56 (Haus 1) at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Map of basement labs

Make sure the emergency door opposite of the EEG lab is always unlocked! If it isn’t you have to call Annette Winkelmann. This is really important as in case of fire, the elevator will not work.

Who is allowed to access the lab?

The basement is a secure area to which only explicitly authorized people (see 1.4. contacts) are granted access.


When in the lab, check the white sheet next to the telephone for important phone numbers and people to call for assistance. If you make an internal call (inside the building), the dialing code (2093) for the phone numbers is not needed. For external calls you need to dial 0 before your actual number.

Working in the EEG lab

The following is intended to provide you with a basic set of guidelines for good laboratory practice. Our hope is that by familiarizing yourself with the lab and its practices, time will not be lost and hazards resulting from careless oversights will be avoided.

Booking Recording Time

Booking recording times is done online through the booking system / participant database. Ask someone in the lab to grant you access to this platform. Please do not forget to free up your time if you realize you are not going to use your time. Keep always in mind that you are not the only person working in the lab. Do not book the lab without using it and do not book the whole week for your measurements without asking the users.

Lab safety

No matter how important the study, safety and the participant’s comfort always come first. The usual rules of any lab apply to the EEG, but some additional principles unique to using EEG are worth stressing. No measurements should be made prior to reading the following section!

Never (yes, never!) leave a subject or patient unsupervised in the EEG lab!

If someone is inside the EEG testing room and you are alone, do not leave the measurement room even for a short while. Someone must be available for help if the subject suddenly has an attack of illness or if something unexpected happens. Feel free to ask other lab members if they can shortly supervise your subject.

Subjects may not enter the EEG shielded room without signing a consent form.

Monika's pro tips in the case of noisy data (Jan 18, 2017)

  1. check Ground electrodes and use more gel
  2. if the amp's blue light is flashing, an electrode might be broken >> run the "bucket test" to see which one it is and replace it.