Urban development via Public-Civic-Partnerships: Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts.
Urban development via Public-Civic-Partnerships: Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts.

Zine: How to do research with/in model projects

The zine"How to do research with/in model projects is the result of a two-day workshop of the same name, which took place in the Kiezraum in Rathausblock Kreuzberg on 24. & 25. June 2022.

The workshop brought together practictioners, researchers and experts from common-good orientated, cooperative urban development.

The zine collects observations, wishes and tips that the participants gathered over the course of the workshops. The zine is intended as a resource for researchers who are engaging with model projects for cooperative common-good orientated urban development. The collected points highlight that research should always be conducted with and not just about a research field, that the research questions should be developed together with the actors from the model projects, and that the results of research should be accessible to its subjects.

Research project team: 

Rebecca Wall, Paula Granda Ojeda, Stassja Mrozinski, Felix Marlow, Ignacio Farias

Collaborator on the zine: Enrique Espinosa