Urban development via Public-Civic-Partnerships: Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts.
Urban development via Public-Civic-Partnerships: Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts.


We think it is important not only to do science at the university, but also to locate it in the research fields. With this in mind, our co*laborative and multimodal research is anchored in three locations - each with a specific format: the Zauderbude (dithering booth) (dithering booth) at the Haus der Statistik, the workshop series Modelling Controversies am Rathausblock Kreuzberg und das City Lab for Multimodal Anthropology at Humboldt-Universität.

These co*labs provide the framework for different types and ways of exchange between actors from local initiatives, politics and administration as well as intermediaries, academics and students.

More information about past and upcoming events can be found in the Events.

© Raquel Gomez

The Zauderbude

The Zauderbude (dithering booth) invites actors from politics, public administration and civil society to leave the daily business of cooperation and dare a moment of not (yet) acting before the next step Simultaneously, the Zauderbude acts as an infrastructure box for the Auto-Scooter, an open platform for collective endeavors of all kinds. Auto-Scooter, eine offene Plattform für kollektive Unterfangen aller Art.

In the booth, we tentatively explore generative controversies, idiotic moments, model elements, and personal experiences with the actors of the two model projects. In doing so, the space creates an idiotic scenography of misunderstandings, in which central concepts become renegotiable matters.

You can find more information about the history of the Zauderbude (a.k.a. Fake Estate) on the website of Raumlabor.

Modelling Controversies

In the workshop series Modelling Controversies we process the results of our research together with actors from the model projects and other interested parties. At the same time, we create a recurring forum for the circulation of model elements of a cooperative, common good-oriented urban development. 

In successive workshops we want to create a trustful forum for exchange and work on topics that are relevant for the model projects. In the workshops, there should be more room for uncertainty than for quick solutions; it should also be more about looking at misunderstandings than repeating familiar narratives. Thus, the workshops are not meant to present ready-made "learnings," but rather a self-reflective and learning space for understanding and formulating model elements that will be brought to circulate between and beyond the model projects.

In this endeavor, the themes and results from the Zauderbude take on an important role. They form the empirical material that encourages the participants in the Modelling Controversies series to bring up their own experiences and perspectives and to rethink them together. The results of this collaboration will be, in turn, used to compile a how-to guide, and theses will be further developed into a glossary of misunderstandings.

How to find the Kiezraum


The Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology of the Institute of European Ethnology is a forum for academic and non-academic researchers interested in practices, promises, processes and problems within city-making. Focusing on the development of 'an anthropology of/as urbanism', the Stadtlabor is a place where multimodal urban anthropology is experimentally tested.

For more information on the activities of the Stadtlabor visit their website.