Johanna Nuber (Halle) on “Writing from out of death – Reading Alejandra Pizarnik’s poetics of the corpse through the lens of grace & decreation”

Il ne faut pas être moi, mais il faut encore moins être nous. […] Prendre le sentiment d'être chez soi dans l'exil. Etre enraciné dans l'absence de lieu. […] S'exiler de toute patrie terrestre. Faire tout cela à autrui, du dehors, est de l'ersatz de décréation. C'est produire de l'irréel. Mais en se déracinant on cherche plus de réel.

Johanna Nuber


Johanna is assistant professor of Romance Studies at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
Death is everywhere in the oeuvre of Argentinian poet Alejandra Pizarnik – as theme or topic, as a protective force from the threatening silence of self-inflicted oppression, as a means of acknowledging the precarious nature of the poet’s effort, and, eventually, as the flickering presence of suicidal thoughts. Simone Weil’s thoughts about decreation and her non-linear understanding of death help us gain traction of the specific relations between text and death, the body and the world, and the ineffable and that which resists in Pizarnik’s poetry instead of reading her suicide (s) literally as the ultimate signified of a coherent and death-prone poetic project. Rather as instance of writing towards death as inescapable destiny, Pizarnik’s words gracefully radiate out of death as poetic (de)creations beyond the constraints of meaning and social determination.


New contributions:

Rachel Pafe (Berlin): The Miracle of Love Amidst the Crushes of War: Thinking through The Iliad with Susan Taubes and Simone Weil

Rachel Pafe is a writer and researcher interested in modern Jewish thought and critical theories of mourning. She is currently doing a joint PhD at Goethe University of Frankfurt and Université Lille.   For more information visit Rachel’s Page. To read the German-version of the article, please click here.  In her 1956 dissertation on French philosopher-mystic Simone

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Marcus Steinweg (Berlin): “Notizen zu Simone Weil”

Leseschlüssel Die hier gelisteten – teils veröffentlichten, teils unveröffentlichten – Notizen von Marcus Steinweg beziehen sich allesamt auf Simone Weil. Die Liste ist offen und wird schrittweise durch neue Notizen erweitert. RIGORISMUS An Simone Weil besticht ihr Rigorismus und ihre Klarheit. Noch wenn sie sich dem Alltäglichen zuwendet, geht der Vektor ins Nichts. Nie versenkt

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Elisabeth Hubmann (Genève): Organ improvisations in response to Simone Weil’s “Les Lutins du feu” (ca. 1921/22)

Il dansait, il dansait toujours, le peuple des âmes candides, des âmes des enfants qui ne sont pas encore nés; attendant leur tour d’être des hommes, les lutins se poursuivaient sur les bûches crépitantes. Simone Weil, Les Lutins du feu, 1921/22. ELISABETH HUBMANN Abstract Elisabeth is an organist, musicologist, and environmentalist active in Genève, Amsterdam

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