Life lived. A portrait of a thinker of freedom: Simone Weil – Martina Bengert and Wolfgang Eilenberger in conversation
A series of talks on thinking about freedom: Simone Weil The event in the series “ Lived Life. A portrait of freedom thinkers” is dedicated to the French philosopher and mystic Simone Weil (1909 &...
September 25, 2024 @ 19:30 20:30Workshop @ Centre Marc Bloch Berlin with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für französischsprachige Philosophie | Société de Philosophie de Langue Française en Allemagne
November 2, 2023 November 3, 2023
Conference “the Simone Weil for our Times” organised by the UK Simone Weil Research Network
The life and work of Simone Weil – philosopher, mystic, activist, and enigma – has defied easy description and categorization. Although Albert Camus categorised her as ‘the only great spirit of ...
September 21, 2023 September 22, 2023Report on the Denkkollektiv in the Philosophy Magazine “Weiter Denken”
The German-language philosophy magazine “Weiter Denken” produced a special issue on Simone Weil and included a report on the Denkkollektiv. The report can be read online here.
September 1, 202380th Anniversary of The Death of Simone Weil (1909-1943)
August 24, 2023 is the 80th anniversary of the death of Simone Weil in the sanatorium at Grosvenor Hall in Ashford, Kent, UK. Paris-based artist Thomas Hirschhorn built a stone memorial in the mountai...
August 24, 2023An introduction to the denʞkollektiv and the life and work of Simone Weil in the context of Prof Dr Ruth Conrad’s seminar
Martina Bengert will give an overview on Simone Weil’s life and work, in addition to past and present projects of the denʞkollektiv, in the context of Prof Dr Ruth Conrad’s Oberseminar ...
May 22, 2023metaxy[l]ophon n°2
What do you think, Simone? – An encounter with Simone de Beauvoir and Simone Weil metaxyophon: about the event series We are always searching for new ways of thinking and working together in ord...
May 19, 2023 @ 18:00 19:30Der abwesende Gott. Simone Weil und Susan Taubes │Öffentlicher Abend im Rahmen des 16. Berliner Kolloquium Junge Religionsphilosophie
Die Veranstaltung findet an der Katholischen Akademie in Berlin statt. Die Anmeldung erfolgt auf der Website der Katholischen Akademie in Berlin. „Nur die Distanz, die Trennung, die Fremdheit stifte...
February 24, 2023 @ 19:00 20:30Save the date: Denkkollektive Workshop in Berlin
On 9 December 2022, the denkkollektiv will organise a workshop at the diffrakt, Berlin. On this afternoon we will come together with other collectively working, thinking, living, creating people to r...
December 9, 2022International Simone Weil Seminar in Uppsala, Sweden
From 25th–27th November 2022 Christine Zyka and Emmanuel Gabellieri will give an international bilingual seminar on Simone Weil at the Newman Institute in Uppsala, Sweden. Over the last years, Emman...
November 25, 2022 November 27, 2022Save the Date: Treffpunkt Simone Weil Map
Treffpunkt: Simone Weil Map On Thursday, 10 November, the denkkollekiv will meet with Thomas Hirschorn at HGB Leipzig (Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig). As a part of an exhibition curated by an artist co...
November 10, 2022Criatura, creador, decreación. Simone Weil | Giorgio Agamben
“Criatura, creador, decreación. Simone Weil | Giorgio Agamben” will be the topic of Martina’s talk at the international conference “Giorgio Agamben. The Urgency of Thought / G...
October 19, 2022 October 21, 2022Leipzig denkt: ‘What can we still do now? Alert and utopia’ (‘Was ist uns jetzt noch möglich? Alarm und Utopie‘)
On Wednesday, 5 October 2022, Simone Weil aka Martina will debate the question ‘What can we still do now? Alert and utopia’ (‘Was ist uns jetzt noch möglich? Alarm und Utopie‘) together with ...
October 5, 2022Retreat: Lines, lines, dot, line. K N O T.
We need knots. The denkkollektiv, c’est vivre la cordée: Manifold lines of flight, people, friends, yet unknown projects docking and un-docking, ever-changing constellations, and cooperation. From ...
October 2, 2022 October 4, 2022Review: ‘Die unzeitgemäße Zeitgenossin’ by Max Walther and Thomas Sojer
In this review, Thomas Sojer and Max Walther discuss the two works ‘The Subversive Simone Weil. A Life in Five Ideas’ by Robert Zaretsky and ‘Effort and Grace. On the Spiritual Exerc...
July 15, 2022Intra-Actions of Reading. Karen Barad | Simone Weil
Martina Bengert made a contribution in the context of the interdisciplinary workshop “Intra/Sections, Schnitt/Mengen. Post-Anthropocentric Concepts of Multiplicities” at ICI Berlin.
March 24, 2022 March 25, 2022The denʞkollektiv introduces itself in the context of Esther Ramharter’s seminar “Lektüreproseminar: Texte von Simone Weil”
Esther Ramharter, member of the HUVAC-project, will give the denʞkollektiv the opportunity to introduce itself to new students of Simone Weil’s work in the context of her Simone Weil reading se...
January 10, 2022Écriture sabotée
In November 2021, the Istanbul art magazine Art Unlimited published the Turkish version of the writing experiment “Écriture sabotée/sabotage créateur. Reading Simone Weil, Strolling Throu...
November 30, 2021Drei Sätze #6: Martina Bengert, Thomas Sojer, Max Walther
Max Walther, Tom Sojer and Martina Bengert wrote a collaborative text in the section “ Drei Sätze” (“Three Sentences”) of “Literaturwissenschaft Berlin”, which informs lit...
November 22, 2021metaxy[l]ophon n°1
“What becomes of agency in a more-than-human world?” metaxyophon: Our new event series We are always searching for new ways of thinking and working together in order to find inspiri...
October 18, 2021 @ 7:00 8:00Steirischer Herbst ’21: Simone Weil… [nicht zu akademisch]
On 3 October 2021, Max Walther, Tom Sojer and Martina Bengert from the Simone Weil denkkollektiv held an open performance lecture as part of the Austrian art festival “Steirischer Herbst”. The per...
October 3, 2021 @ 16:00 18:00Workshop: Attention. Öffnungen durchqueren nach Simone Weil (HUVAC-Project 2021 “Simone Weil Revisited”)
The international and interdisciplinary workshop “Attention. Öffnungen durchqueren nach Simone Weil” took place at the University of Vienna from 27 to 30 September 21. In this Germ...
September 27, 2021 September 30, 2021The Denkkollektiv joined the group Women in the History of Philosophy (“AG Frauen in der Geschichte der Philosophie”)
In September 2021, the Denkkollektiv was accepted as a member of the AG Women in the History of Philosophy of the German Society of Philosophy. In this context, Max Walther and Tom Sojer introduced th...
September 6, 2021Workshop: Arbeit an Simone Weil
This student workshop was inspired by the lively discussions that took place during the seminar sessions in Winter Term 2020/21 that were open to both students of the University of Vienna and students...
March 26, 2021Podcast: Wolfram Eilenberger (Berlin) und Martina Bengert (denʞkollektiv): Eine Denkerin der radikalen Hoffnung
On 31 January 2021, Simone Miller welcomed Martina Bengert und Wolfram Eilenberger to the Deutschlandfunk Kultur podcast Sein & Streit. They discussed the ways in which Simone Weil and her concept...
January 31, 2021 @ 16:00 17:00Joint Seminar Sessions in Winter Term 2020/21 (HUVAC-Project 2021 “Simone Weil Revisited”)
In Winter Term 2020/2021, three digital seminars revolving around Simone Weil took place (Martina Bengert’s B.A. seminar, Department of Romance Studies, HU Berlin: “Fractures, Splinters, Lists. Re...
January 12, 2021 @ 8:00 January 29, 2021 @ 17:00death | text | resonance
Simone Weil and Writing to(wards) Death Our digital conference took place from July 23 to July 25 2020 via Zoom. If you would like to take a look at what we talked about, please click on the corresp...
July 23, 2020 @ 17:00 July 25, 2020 @ 18:30Simone Weil Reading Group
The Simone Weil Reading Group, organised by Tom Sojer, took place in the shape of monthly online meetings which were open to everybody interested in Simone Weil’s writings. During each session, ...
May 12, 2020 @ 18:00 April 28, 2021 @ 20:00