The "Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology" aims at developing ‘an anthropology of/as urbanism’. It critically explores governmental, everyday, insurgent and more-than-human practices of city making. It also experiments with ethnography as a more-than-textual, multimodal practice.



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25.10.22 Prof. Stefan Helmreich — Ocean Waves, Ocean Science, Ocean Media

We are incredibly delighted to announce that Prof. Stefan Helmreich (Anthropology, MIT) will be giving the first lecture of this year’s Institutskolloquium/Lecture Series (other Waves in Anthropological Research) at the Institute of European Ethnology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. His lecture is called “Ocean Waves, Ocean Science, Ocean Media”.

The lecture will take place at 14.30 at Anton-Wilhelm-Amo-Straße (ehem. Möhrenstraße) 40-41 in Room 408 (accessible lift available). It is also possible to join online if you cannot join us in presence (you can scan the QR code on the poster).

For more about the lecture series click here.