The "Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology" aims at developing ‘an anthropology of/as urbanism’. It critically explores governmental, everyday, insurgent and more-than-human practices of city making. It also experiments with ethnography as a more-than-textual, multimodal practice.



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From the Archive of Multimodal Projects: Sensing the Street³

Anthropology has never been monomodal, although it may seem that the recent explosion of interest in multimodal, more-than-textual research would suggest otherwise. So we are always on the lookout for multimodal examples from our discipline’s past. In this post we highlight the recent discovery of an experimental multimodal urban research project from the history of our own institute, dating back almost two decades.

Sounding Berlin: Towards an Apparatus for Atmospheric Attunement

What are the possibilities that open up when different modalities of research practice are employed in collaboration with others, with the goal of attuning ourselves to intersensorial phenomena that may exceed any single ethnographer’s ability to grasp? What kinds of values can we create when we give up proprietary notions of research practice and production?

Stadtlabor Summer 2024 Event Series


The Stadtlabor for multimodal anthropology happily announces the first instalment of this summer term´s event series.

Student Project "Ageing Cities"

"Ageing Cities" Zine

Learn more about the publication featuring the various student projects conducted within the framework of WiSe 21/22´s “Ageing Cities” course.

Multimodal guided bus tour

Sensing and making sense of cities as wave fields

A little bit more than a year ago, on the 8th of July 2022, more than 50 STS-scholars attending the European Association of Science and Technology Studies (EASST) conference in Madrid participated in a three-hour “thermodynamic” bus ride organised by the WAVEMATTERS-team. On this bus ride, Jos Temprano and Victor Rovira, a local team of a filmmaker and a soundrecordist, joined us and together we produced this video of the ride through heat.

Graphic Research Working Group: Call for Participation

Are you interested in how research can incorporate drawing, comic art, illustrated narrative and other graphic forms? Then join our working group, which will focus on drawing and the construction of graphic or illustrated narratives from fieldnotes and research encounters. Click through for more information.

Fieldwork: In search of 5G waves in Brussels

The “Urban Vibrations” research team has now set out for fieldwork in Europe and the USA. Here, we share some insights from Brussels, where EU policy makers promote 5G innovation while citizens demonstrate against ‘smart communities’. 

Film Screening and Discussion

Homage: In Conversation with Latour

An event for Latour

A Film Screening and Discussion with invited guests on the legacy of Latour. This is a joint event by the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology and the Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations laboratory at the Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, HU-Berlin.

IfEE Institutskolloquium SoSe22

Ageing Cities

On July 19th 2022, 14:30-16:00, the main results of the Studienprojekt’s ‘Ageing Cities’, coordinated by Tomás Criado, were presented in the IfEE’s Institutskolloquium (SoSe22). The presentation was delivered by the group of students who partook in the project: Maximilian Apel, Erman Dinc, Christine Maicher, Adam Petras, Doreen Sauer, and Anna Maria Schlotmann.

EASST2022 in Madrid

Conference Panel: Doing Airborne Exposure

In our team’s first jointly organised conference panel in Madrid in early July we explored, with colleagues from all over Europe, Canada and Chile, how devices, knowledges and practices for feeling, sensing, making sense of and regulating potential harm borne from the air.

Multimodal Project Fund

Sonnenallee Podcast

The ‘Sonnenallee Podcast’ project discusses urban negotiations of space and time in open-ended conversation formats with guest speakers: what affects condition the notion of public space in Sonnenallee?

Student fund

Multimodal Projects Fund

A semester-based call inviting HU students at all levels – BA, MA and PhD – to apply for funding for multimodal projects addressing urban spaces, transformations and/or other matters.

Online Lecture Series

The values of multimodal projects

In this Winter Semester’s 21-22 Stadtlabor Online Seminar Series, we aim to invite ground-breaking anthropological projects where multimodality features not just as an add-on of particular inquiries, but as a central mode of research and intervention.