The "Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology" aims at developing ‘an anthropology of/as urbanism’. It critically explores governmental, everyday, insurgent and more-than-human practices of city making. It also experiments with ethnography as a more-than-textual, multimodal practice.



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Multimodal guided bus tour

Sensing and making sense of cities as wave fields

A little bit more than a year ago, on the 8th of July 2022, more than 50 STS-scholars attending the European Association of Science and Technology Studies (EASST) conference in Madrid participated in a three-hour “thermodynamic” bus ride organised by the WAVEMATTERS-team. On this bus ride, Jos Temprano and Victor Rovira, a local team of a filmmaker and a soundrecordist, joined us and together we produced this video of the ride through heat.