

WiNS – Women in Natural Sciences

WINS Adlershof – a lively and active community

The main idea of this faculty career development program is to give effective support and connect female early career level scientists. Through workshops and networking events, we have built since 2017 a strong community at Campus Adlershof. With this magazine, we now want to create a communication platform that complements our initiative. Here you will find profiles of the people involved, announcements and reviews of events as well as articles on relevant topics from our community.

Our aim is for female scientists of the different disciplines within our faculty to become more visible, to inspire others and to use this platform as a kind of database to find female experts in all areas of mathematics and science.

From our Blog

+++ Save the date: WINS School 2025+++

+++ Save the date: WINS School 2025+++

Join us for the WINS School in Blossin 2025, focusing on the exciting intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Science! Explore key areas including ethics, education, imaging, and communication.

WINS Circle Meeting

WINS Circle Meeting

This upcoming gathering will be a opportunity for you to (re)connect, share experiences and make connections with fellow alumnae and mentors. On this day we will have the pleasure of hearing inspiring keynote speeches from three experienced alumnae. Join us for this special gathering!

Future Lab: Where Science meets Communications

Future Lab: Where Science meets Communications

The Future Lab: Where Science meets Communications (12/ 13 Oct 2023) aims to provide a collaborative platform to showcase innovative science communication formats, foster new partnerships and spark excitement among scientists and communicators. The Future Lab also serves as a platform for exploring and discovering news perspectives on career paths and skill sets within the realm of science communication.

Review: Future WINS – New Energies for a Sustainable World

Review: Future WINS – New Energies for a Sustainable World

An international scientific conference in Berlin-Adlershof. “Future WINS” was an interdisciplinary event bringing together a community of natural scientists from all fundamental and applied research fields – from mathematics and computer science to geography and engineering – to discuss current challenges in energy research and viable strategies for sustainable solutions.

Upcoming Event: WINS School 2023

Upcoming Event: WINS School 2023

The call is open for our next summer school! WINS Summer School 2023 is dedicated to the comprehensive topic of frameworks and networks. Within the scientific focus of the event are fundamental questions related to the mathematical and numerical modelling of such systems, ranging from core technical infrastructure, to nanomaterials, to biological organizations.

WINS Summerschool 2022 – a retrospective

WINS Summerschool 2022 – a retrospective

About 30 women of 14 different nationalities from all career levels who are active in different areas of natural sciences – from astrophysics to biochemistry, and from environmental science to mechanical engineering – spent together four days in the nature to discuss about scientific and technological challenges in the field of energy production, storage, and consumption.

Our newest Community-Members

Sara Nocentini

Focus topics: photonics, optical cryptography, liquid crystal based materials, micro-robotics, two-photon direct laser writing

Institution: National Institute of Metrological Research (INRiM), affiliated to European Laboratory of Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS)

Sara Nocentini got her International Doctorate in Atomic and Molecular Photonics at the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy in Florence in 2017 where she had a Post-Doc Position for 2 years. Since 2019, she is a researcher at the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRiM) in Turin in the division of "Metrology of innovative materials and life science". Her research interests and activities include smart responsive polymers for photonics, micro robotics and cryptography.

Sara Nocentini

Focus topics: photonics, optical cryptography, liquid crystal based materials, micro-robotics, two-photon direct laser writing

Institution: National Institute of Metrological Research (INRiM), affiliated to European Laboratory of Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS)

Sara Nocentini got her International Doctorate in Atomic and Molecular Photonics at the European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy in Florence in 2017 where she had a Post-Doc Position for 2 years. Since 2019, she is a researcher at the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRiM) in Turin in the division of "Metrology of innovative materials and life science". Her research interests and activities include smart responsive polymers for photonics, micro robotics and cryptography.

Katja Witte

Focus topics: Personality Traits and States, Achievement Motivation, Academic Performance

Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Psychologie (Department of Psychology)

Katja studied Psychology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and completed her Master’s degree in 2020. Since then, she has been working as a Research Assistant as part of the research group for Psychological Diagnostics. Together with her team, she has developed an aptitude test for the bachelor's program in psychology. Her PhD project focuses on Achievement Motivation, whether it is related to situation perception and its potential influence on academic performance.

Katja Witte

Focus topics: Personality Traits and States, Achievement Motivation, Academic Performance

Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Psychologie (Department of Psychology)

Katja studied Psychology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and completed her Master’s degree in 2020. Since then, she has been working as a Research Assistant as part of the research group for Psychological Diagnostics. Together with her team, she has developed an aptitude test for the bachelor's program in psychology. Her PhD project focuses on Achievement Motivation, whether it is related to situation perception and its potential influence on academic performance.

Anne Vogt

Focus topics: Embodied Cognition, Psycholinguistics, Meaning Processing, Language Comprehension and Production

Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute for Psychology and Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Anne is very fascinated about the human capacity of language and speaking. She studied linguistics and psychology and combined both fields during her PhD at HU Berlin. There she investigated whether the rich experiences we make in our everyday lives influence how we speak and which words we chose when speaking. Furthermore, she loved to supervise students and is very interested in people's personal development. Therefore, she moved on to a position outside of academia in HR where she can pursue this interest professionally. In her free time, she spends time with her two children in nature, plays violin and viola and is a German teacher for refugees.

Anne Vogt

Focus topics: Embodied Cognition, Psycholinguistics, Meaning Processing, Language Comprehension and Production

Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute for Psychology and Berlin School of Mind and Brain

Anne is very fascinated about the human capacity of language and speaking. She studied linguistics and psychology and combined both fields during her PhD at HU Berlin. There she investigated whether the rich experiences we make in our everyday lives influence how we speak and which words we chose when speaking. Furthermore, she loved to supervise students and is very interested in people's personal development. Therefore, she moved on to a position outside of academia in HR where she can pursue this interest professionally. In her free time, she spends time with her two children in nature, plays violin and viola and is a German teacher for refugees.