Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den aktuellen Präsentationen und Veröffentlichungen im Rahmen des Experiencer-Projekts.
Temme, Anne & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2014. Backward Binding as a Psych effect - A binding illusion? Berlin-Stuttgart meeting on Psych verbs. 21th November, Stuttgart. PDF
Verhoeven, Elisabeth (2014). Verb class effects on word order. Evidence from corpora. Berlin-Stuttgart meeting on Psych verb. 21th November, Stuttgart. PDF
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2014. Thematische Asymmetrien und Argumentlinearisierung: Eine Korpusstudie zum Deutschen. Talk. 5th June, University of Vienna.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2014. The impact of referential and thematic properties on argument realization: A comparative corpus study in German and Chinese. International Colloquium on Referentiality. 21st – 22nd February, Erfurt: University of Erfurt
Temme, Anne & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2014. Experiencers from different perspectives: Comparing scalar and binary judgments. Linguistic Evidence. 13th - 15th February, Tübingen: Eberhard Karls University. PDF
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2013. Argument linearization in German: Evidence from corpus data. Journée ATALA – Labex EFL: Quantitative Approaches in Corpus Linguistics and Psycholinguistics. Word Order and Constituent Order, 18th October, Paris: INALCO & CNRS.
Temme, Anne & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2013. Structural visibility of strong affectedness: The licensing of object-first structures in German and Greek. International Conference of Greek Linguistics (ICGL). 26th - 29th September, Rhodes: University of the Aegean. PDF
Temme, Anne & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2013. Processing experience: The licensing of object-first structures in German and their stability across data types. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP). 2nd - 4th September, Marseille: Aix-Marseille Université. PDF
Temme, Anne & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2013. Where do experiencer-first effects come from? An empirical study on the effects of animacy and case. Linguistic Evidence - Berlin Special. 4th - 6th April, Berlin: Humboldt University of Berlin. PDF
Rott, Julian A. 2012. Factors of syntactic prominence in Icelandic experiencer arguments: Quirky subjects vs. dative objects. International Conference: Non-Canonically Case-Marked Subjects. 4th - 8th June, Reykjavík: University of Iceland.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2012. Agentivity and verb classes: Cross-linguistic experimental evidence. International Conference: Agents and Causes – Interdisciplinary Aspects in Mind, Language, and Culture. 21st – 23rd March, Bielefeld: Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2012. Nicht-kanonische Argumentrealisierung: Typologische Variation und empirische Fundierung. Talk. 25th January, Potsdam: Potsdam University.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2011. Nicht-kanonische Argumentrealisierung: Typologische Variation und empirische Fundierung. Talk. 4th February, Marburg: Philipps University Marburg.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2010. Experimental vs corpus data in the study of argument structure. Nordwestdeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium. 3rd - 4th December, Oldenburg: University of Oldenburg.
Jänen, Birgit. 2010. Experiencer constructions in Puma (Kiranti, Eastern Nepal). Nordwestdeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium. 3rd - 4th December, Oldenburg: University of Oldenburg.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2010. A comparative corpus analysis for the study of argument structure. 6th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference. 30th September - 2nd October, Berlin: Free University of Berlin.
Jänen, Birgit. 2010. Experiencer constructions and valency. Workshop on Valency Classes. 21st August, Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Temme, Anne & Elisabeth Verhoeven. submitted. Clitic-left dislocation vs. scrambling: Comparing the linearization properties of German and Greek experiencer verbs. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Rhodes: University of the Aegean. PDF
Temme, Anne & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2015. Verb class, case, and order: A cross-linguistic experiment on non-nominative experiencers. Linguistics (accepted). PDF
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2015. Thematic asymmetries do matter! Verb class effects on word order in German corpora. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 27.1. 45-104. PDF
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2014. Thematic prominence and animacy asymmetries. Evidence from a cross-linguistic production study. Lingua 143. 129-161. PDF
Temme, Anne. 2014. German psych-adjectives. In Machicao y Priemer, A., et. al. (eds.), Zwischen Kern und Peripherie, 131-156. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Rott, Julian A. 2013. Syntactic prominence in Icelandic experiencer arguments: Quirky subjects vs. dative objects. Language Typology and Universals 66(2). 91-111.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2010. Agentivity and stativity in experiencer verbs: Implications for a typology of verb classes. Linguistic Typology 14. 213-251. PDF
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2010. Transitivity in Chinese experiencer-object verbs. In Brandt, P. & García Gracía, M. (eds.), Transitivity: Form, Meaning, Acquisition, and Processing, 95-118. Amsterdam: Benjamins. PDF
Shin, Yong-Min & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2009. Animacy and argument hierarchy in conflict: Constraints on object topicalization in Korean. In Helmbrecht et al. (eds.), Form and Function in Language Research, 107-122. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2009. Experiencer objects and object clitics in Modern Greek: Evidence from a corpus study. In Baltazani, M. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, 574-588. Ioannina: University of Ioannina. PDF
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2009. Subjects, agents, experiencers, and animates in competition: Modern Greek argument order. Linguistische Berichte 219. 355-376. PDF
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2008. (Non-)canonical marking of experiencer objects: A typological comparison of Chinese, Korean, Turkish, and Modern Greek. Language Typology and Universals 61(1). 81-92.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2008. Grammaticalization in constructions: Clitic doubling with experiencers in Modern Greek. In Elisabeth Verhoeven et al. (eds.), Studies on Grammaticalization, 251-281. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2008. Grammatikalisierung und die Entstehung von Konstruktionen: Experiencerobjekt-Konstruktionen im Neugriechischen. In Thomas Stolz (ed.), Grammatikalisierung und grammatische Kategorien, 111-133. Bochum: Brockmeyer.
Verhoeven, Elisabeth. 2007. Experiential Constructions in Yucatec Maya. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Skopeteas, Stavros & Elisabeth Verhoeven. 2004. Syntactic prominence of animates in the history of Greek [Sintaktiki kiriarxia ton empsixon stin istoria tis Ellinikis]. In Katsimali, G. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, 1-14. Crete: University of Crete.