with David Sperling, Joana Martins, Kaka, Solange Lisboa, Rafael Funari,
Endira Julianda, Indrawan Prabaharyaka, Teresa Huppertz, Ute Lindenbeck,
Jamie Scott-Baxter, Laura Kemmer, Jona Möller and Tomás Usón.
What happens when research artefacts circulate from one place to another? How might they be received, (re)activated, and perhaps repurposed at different points along the circuit of transmission? Might there be surprising, unpredictable receptions or effects? In this session we will present such artefacts and their circulation in and between three sites and a range of organizations: Berlin (Floating University, Planetary Tactics for Cohabitation Lab), São Paolo (Ground Atlas, Salve Saracura), and and Jakarta (Labtek Apung).
Our aim is to explore and test the notion of “designing with the planet” at various bodies of water, whether a retention pond, buried river, or an estuary. After two years of intense correspondence, of traveling with river beings and the inhabitants of zones of struggle, and of crafting of objects and strategies, we are now planning for a round of final exhibitions and openings to all Berliners interested in connecting to their bodies of water and learning from and with Jakarta and São Paolo. Accordingly, after an initial presentation, we will invite those attending to collectively map the relations between the circulated artefacts, imagine how they may be classified into key exhibition themes, and anticipate what kind of activations might emerge.