
Breeder n°

Old and new code numbers of Associations

This list holds the assignments of old and new association codes, needed since the introduction of the country code. For the official list of all current associations, see Contact.

A.m. carnica

Present code*New code*Name
1DE-1 State Association of Baden Beekeepers / Landesverband Badischer Imker e.V.
2DE-2 State Association of Bavarian Beekeepers / Landesverband Bayerischer Imker e.V.
3DE-3 Beekeeping Association Berlin / Imkerverband Berlin e.V.
4DE-4 State Association of Bradenburg Beekeepers / Landesverband Brandenburgischer Imker e.V.
5DE-5 Beekeeping Association of Hamburg / Imkerverband Hamburg e.V.
6DE-6 State Association of Hanoverian Beekeepers / Landesverband Hannoverscher Imker e.V.
7DE-7 State Association of Hessian Beekeepers / Landesverband Hessischer Imker e.V.
8DE-8 State Association of Beekeepers in Mecklenburg Vorpommern / Landesverband der Imker Mecklenburg Vorpommern e.V.
9DE-9 Beekeeping Association Nassau / Imkerverband Nassau e.V.
10DE-10 Beekeeping Assocation Rheinland-Pfalz / Imkerverband Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
11DE-11 Beekeeping Association Rheinland / Imkerverband Rheinland e.V.
12DE-12 State Association of Beekeepers of the Saarland / Landesverband Saarlndischer Imker e.V.
13DE-13 State Association of Saxon Beekeepers / Landesverband Schsischer Imker e.V.
14DE-14 Beekeeping Association Sachsen-Anhalt / Imkerverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
15DE-15 State Association of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg Beekeepers / Landesverband Schleswig-Holsteinischer und Hamburger Imker e.V.
16DE-16 State Association of Thuringian Beekeepers / Landesverband Thüringer Imker e.V.
17DE-17 State Association of Weser-Ems Beekeepers / Landesverband der Imker Weser-Ems e.V.
18DE-18 State Association of Westphalia and Lippisch Beekeepers / Landesverband Westfälischer und Lippischer Imker e.V.
19DE-19 State Association of Wuertemburg Beekeepers / Landesverband Würtembergischer Imker e.V.
20IT-20Carnica Breeders in Alto Adige
30HR-30Mating station in Croatia
51CH-51Socit Romande d'Apiculture, Schweiz
52CH-52SCIV - Schweizerische Carnicaimker Vereinigung
57BE-1Honeybee Valley (Belgium)
99AT-99 ACA (Austrian Carnica Association)
IT-23Italy/SmartBees/Carnica, Friuli

A.m. mellifera

Present codefuture CodeName
3DE-23 Beekeeping Association Berlin / Imkerverband Berlin e.V./Mellifera
4DE-24 Landesverband Brandenburgischer Imker e.V./Mellifera
8DE-28 Landesverband der Imker Mecklenburg Vorpommern e.V./Mellifera
DE-30 Beekeeping Assocation Rheinland-Pfalz / Imkerverband Rheinland-Pfalz e.V./Mellifera
14DE-34 Imkerverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V./Mellifera
DE-35 Landesverband Schleswig-Holsteinischer und Hamburger Imker e.V./Mellifera
50CH-50Verein Schweizerischer Mellifera Bienenfreunde
57BE-2Limburgse Zwarte Bij (LZB vzw)

A.m. ligustica

Present codeNew codeName
1IT-1Ligustica breeding Italy/Abruzzo
2IT-2Ligustica breeding Italy/Basilicata
3IT-3Ligustica breeding Italy/Calabria
4IT-4Ligustica breeding Italy/Campania
5IT-5Ligustica breeding Italy/Emilia-Romagna
6IT-6Ligustica breeding Italy/Friuli-Venezia Giuli
7IT-7Ligustica breeding Italy/Lazio
8IT-8Ligustica breeding Italy/Liguria
9IT-9Ligustica breeding Italy/Lombardia
10IT-10Ligustica breeding Italy/Marche
11IT-11Ligustica breeding Italy/Molise
12IT-12Ligustica breeding Italy/Piemonte
13IT-13Ligustica breeding Italy/Puglia
14IT-14Ligustica breeding Italy/Sardegna
15IT-15Ligustica breeding Italy/Toscana
16IT-16Ligustica breeding Italy/Trentino-Alto Adige
17IT-17Ligustica breeding Italy/Umbria
19IT-19Ligustica breeding Italy/Veneto
IT-22Ligustica breeding Italy/Sicily

A.m. macedonica

Present codeNew codeName
MK-1MacBee Macedonia
GR-1SmartBees Greece/Macedonica
RS-2SmartBees Serbia/Macedonica

A.m. carpatica**

Present codeNew codeName

A.m. iberiensis

Present codeNew codeName
ES-1SmartBees Spain
PT-1SmartBees Portugal

A.m. ruttneri

Present codeNew codeName
MT-1SmartBees Malta

A.m. siciliana

Present codeNew codeName

A.m. cecropia

Present codeNew codeName
GR-3SmartBees Greece/Cecropia

A.m. adami

Present codeNew codeName
GR-2SmartBees Greece/Adami

locale populations with unclear subspecies

bisheriger CodeCode zuknftigBezeichnung
PL-3Poland, local race

* The extension of to more countries and races requires a change of nomenclature. Each association will be identified by a country code by ISO 3166-ALPHA-2 and a number. The bee race/subspeices will by identified by the association. For association active in several races, separate number will be given.

** For BeeBreed, Apis mellifera carpatica denotes the bee populations which are in Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine protected by law under this name. As the breeding population in Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine is relatively separated from other countries due to protection laws, they are treated as a separate breeding population in BeeBreed. This does not imply any statement whether A.m.carpatica is a valid subspecies name by means of the International Code on Zoological Nomenclature. For more details, see here (PDF).