Welcome to BeeBreed.eu, an online database and website of the Institute for Bee Research, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany.
In the menu option "Breeding Values", you can retrieve the breeding values of queens without registration. In the menu item "Info" you will find an instruction manual and general information on breeding value estimation.
Under "Breeding Data", registered breeders can record the studbook data of their queens. For this, you will need access authorisation, which only the administrator of a contracted breeding association can grant.
Under lines you will find an overview of all lines registered in BeeBreed.
Attention ! Not all functions are accessible to everyone. The administrative functions are available only to the chairman of your association.
For suggestions and comments use our contact form, please. Thank you very much!
Carnica A.m.carnica
Mellifera A.m.mellifera
Ligustica A.m.ligustica
Iberiensis A.m.iberiensis
Macedonica A.m.macedonica
Cecropia A.m.cecropia
Adami A.m.adami
Caucasica A.m.caucasica
Siciliana A.m.siciliana
Ruttneri A.m.ruttneri
Friuli A.m.carnica x ligustica. Natural hybrid of A. m. carnica x ligustica in Friuli/Italy.
Buckfast A.mellifera. Breed from crossing of different subspecies.
Bee images © Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V. .