The list of active breeders of an association is available at a click on the symbol under Breeders
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
DE | 1 | Landesverband Badischer Imker e.V. | 999 | Famulla | Leo | 07634/2999 | Rheinstr. 65 | 79395 | Grißheim | Leo.Famullat-online | ||||
DE | 2 | Landesverband Bayerischer Imker e.V. | 114 | Günthner | Theo | 09938 597 | 09938 950190 | Haidstr. 2 Nindorf | 94533 | Buchhofen | theo.guenthnert-online | |||
990 | Günthner | Theo | 09938 597 | Nindorf, Haidstr. 2 | 94533 | Buchhofen | theo.guenthnert-online | |||||||
994 | Wintersperger | Ruediger | 09564/4511 | Hildburghaeuser Str. 46 | 96476 | Bad Rodach | r.winterspergerweb | |||||||
DE | 3 | Imkerverband Berlin e.V. | 998 | Pose | Jan | |||||||||
999 | Timm | Gutrun | ||||||||||||
DE | 4 | Landesverband Brandenburgischer Imker e.V. | 995 | Breuninger | Hans Jörg | 035607-79588 | 01707410530 | Chausseestr. 80 | 03197 | Jänschwalde | teufelsteichgooglemail | |||
996 | Happatz | Maik | Radewieser Str. 6 | 03185 | Heinersbrück | maik.happatzt-online | ||||||||
DE | 5 | Imkerverband Hamburg e.V. | 998 | Gebel | Gökhan | 0175-2873523 | Hamburg | goegebelposteo | ||||||
DE | 6 | Landesverband Hannoverscher Imker e.V. | 42 | Fehling | Horst-Dieter | 04182/292316 | 04182/292317 | 0171 7804850 | Schützenstr. 43 | 21255 | Tostedt | fehlingbienenzucht | ||
999 | Grolla | Christian | +49 421 681040 | +49 177 8408720 | Richard-Taylor-Str. 11 | 28777 | Bremen | WE-Zuchtweb | ||||||
DE | 7 | Landesverband Hessischer Imker e.V. | 45 | LLH Bieneninstitut Kirchhain | 06422/9406-0 | 06422 940633 | Erlenstraße 9 | 35274 | Kirchhain | bieneninstitutllh.hessen | ||||
999 | Scheele | Wolfgang | 05671/6944 | 0177/2903346 | Muddenhagenerweg 18 | 34388 | Trendelburg | imkereischeelegmail | ||||||
DE | 8 | Landesverband der Imker Mecklenburg - Vorpommern e.V. | 999 | Fischer | Carsten | Feldstraße 3 | 17033 | Neubrandenburg | c.fischerimkermv | |||||
DE | 9 | Imkerverband Nassau e.V. | 999 | Heuzeroth | Siegfried | 026888565 | 026888565 | 015129005869 | Amselweg 10 | 57629 | Mörsbach | imkereiheuzerothfreenet | ||
DE | 10 | Imkerverband Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. | 997 | |||||||||||
998 | Steinhilber | Klaus | 017681663899 | Am Kupferstollen 7 | 67319 | Wattenheim | klaus.steinhilberoutlook | |||||||
DE | 11 | Imkerverband Rheinland e.V. | 997 | Uhlenbruck | Eckhard | 02858-82425 | Dinslakener Straße 89a | 46569 | Hünxe | au-ivrgmx | ||||
998 | Fachzentrum Bienen Mayen | 02602 9228 1207 | 0671-92896-101 | Im Bannen 38-54 | 56727 | Mayen | Agnes.Ottodlr.rlp | |||||||
DE | 12 | Landesverband Saarländischer Imker e.V. | 1 | Nieser | Frank | 06803-9943765 | 01778281793 | Im Birnwäldchen 3b | 66399 | Mandelbachtal | bienenzuchtfreenet | |||
DE | 13 | Landesverband Sächsischer Imker e.V. | 999 | Hohmuth | Andreas | 03761/83872 | 03761/186048 | 0162/1630138 | Leubnitzer Hauptstraße 14 | 08412 | Werdau | Andreas_Hohmuthgmx | ||
DE | 14 | Imkerverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. | 998 | Zietlow | Annette | 0391-7315 195 | 015737045017 | Breslauer Weg 29 | 39110 | Magdeburg | ||||
DE | 15 | Landesverband SH und HH Imker e.V. | 999 | Hamer | Thomas | 045271672 | Brackrade 53 | 23715 | Brackrade | thomas.hamerth-luebeck | ||||
DE | 16 | Landesverband Thüringer Imker e.V. | 999 | Stoß | Albrecht | 036207 55002 | Dosdorf 31 | 99310 | Arnstadt | imkerasweb | ||||
DE | 17 | Landesverband der Imker Weser-Ems e.V. | 42 | |||||||||||
999 | Grolla | Christian | 0421 681040 | +49 1778408720 | Richard-Taylor-Str. 11 | 28777 | Bremen | WE-Zuchtweb | ||||||
DE | 18 | Landesverband Westfälischer und Lippischer Imker e.V. | 801 | Klein-Hitpaß | Heinz-Josef | 02871 8935 | Liederner Str. 12 | 46499 | Hamminkeln | hjkleinhitpassgooglemail | ||||
998 | Le Claire | Andreas | 0234 13262 | Kriemhildstr 14 | 44793 | Bochum | a.le-clairegmx | |||||||
DE | 19 | Landesverband Würtembergischer Imker e.V. | 997 | Wolf | Christian | 01733416905 | Beckstraße 4 | 72336 | Balingen | Infoimkerei-wolf | ||||
999 | Reichert | Thomas | 01622907544 | Klingenberg 23 | 74196 | Neuenstadt | thomas.reichert2gmx | |||||||
DE | 20 | Verband Bayerischer Bienenzüchter e.V. | 999 | Eirainer | Anton | 08028909759 | Jenbachstraße 32 | 83730 | Fischbachau | VBB-Zuchtt-online | ||||
DE | 41 | Landesverband Sachsen Varroaresistenzzucht e.V. | 998 | Uhlemann | Dietmar | +49 (0)151 27509800 | Gunnersdorfer Str. 4 | 09669 | Frankenberg/Sachsen | vorsitzvarroaresistenzzucht | ||||
999 | Förster | Mario | 035797 73893 | 01522 87 606 15 | Lindenstraße 8 | 01936 | Schwepnitz OT Grüngäbchen | mario.foersterfreenet | ||||||
AT | 99 | ACA (Austrian Carnica Association) | 996 | Mayerhofer | Jakob | +43(0)650/9565669 | Rappottenstein 7/5 | 3911 | Rappottenstein | jakob.mayerhoferwvnet | ||||
997 | Kummer, MSc | Nicole | +43(0)650 2199151 | Ernst-Wlattnig-Gasse 13 | 9020 | Klagenfurt am Wörthersee | nicole-kummergmx | |||||||
999 | Kärcher | Dr Martin | +43(0)680 1441396 | Leonhardstraße 114/35 | 8010 | Graz | martin_kaercheryahoo | |||||||
CH | 51 | Société romande d'apiculture | 994 | Giossi | Raphael | raphael.giossiapiservice | ||||||||
996 | Jurik | Céline | 0788485621 | Chemin des grandchamps 5 | 1896 | celinebjurikgmail | ||||||||
997 | Arnold | Brigitte | 0 | |||||||||||
998 | Jufer | Alain | 0 | ajufer67gmail | ||||||||||
999 | Gersther | Sarah | 1 | sarah.gersterechinops | ||||||||||
CH | 52 | SCIV - Schweizerische Carnicaimkervereinigung | 998 | Michel | Niels | +41 79 409 05 64 | +41 79 409 05 64 | Chlosterstrasse 2c | 8457 | Humlikon | niels.michelbienen-michel | |||
999 | Müller | Markus | +41 79 419 53 29 | Kestenbergstrasse 22 | 5642 | Mühlau | markus.muellercarnica | |||||||
IT | 20 | Südtirol | 18 | Frenner | Georg | 3339642712 | 39030 | St. Vigil in Enneberg | georgfrennerymail | |||||
HR | 30 | Carnica-Aufzucht der AGT/ACA in Kroatien | 999 | Büchler | Ralph | 06422/1838 | 015127123155 | Hintergasse 30 | 35274 | Kirchhain | ralph.buechlert-online | |||
NL | 55 | Werkgroep Beebreed Nederland ( | 999 | Brascamp | Pim | +31317416331 | +31651074760 | Bosweg 12 | 6704 AM Wageningen | | ||||
BE | 1 | Honeybee Valley | 995 | Danneels | Ellen | +32(0)9 264 49 29 | Krijgslaan 281 S33 | 9000 | Gent | | ||||
998 | de Graaf | Dirk | +32 9 264 87 32 | Krijgslaan 281/S2 | 9000 | Gent | ||||||||
SE | 1 | Schweden | 114 | Hope | Stephen | 0046 768 785898 | Hagavägen 3 | 67049 | Herräng | |||||
LU | 59 | Luxembourg | 1 | Staudt | Romain | (00352)23629883 | (00352) 621186477 | 17,Batzent | 8551 | Noerdange | | |||
FR | 53 | Association Mésange Huppé | 999 | Darmaillacq | Pascal | 06 89 97 71 90 | +33 0644982839 | Pacalet | 32230 | Saint Justin (France) | | |||
LT | 1 | National Bee Selection Association (BalticApis) | 999 | Dr. Kretavicius | Justinas | +37060154496 | 0037060154496 | Juodšilių g 20 | 02245 | Vilnius | amcarnicagmail | |||
UA | 1 | Carnica Club Ukraine (CCU) | 999 | Grynkov | Dmytro | +380955741870 | Voskresenska Str. | 02125 | Ukraine, Kyiv | apis.journalgmail | ||||
UA | 2 | Ukrajinska Carnica (UCA) | 5 | Doskoch | Ivan | +380983260683 | + 380983260683 | Vagylevycha 14 | 80600 | Ukraine,Brody | omu.ukrainegmail | |||
10 | Prosiuk | Viktor | +380969993310 | Ukraine,Rivne | uca18ukr |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
AT | 2 | Bienenhof Mandl | 998 | Putz | Anselm | +43(0)664 3107283 | +43(0)664 3107283 | Auerbach 34 | 8242 | St. Lorenzen / Wechsel | imkerei.putzgmail | |||
999 | Jagersberger | Anton | +43(0)680 2128768 | +43(0)680 2128768 | Dornleiten 138 | 3343 | Hollenstein | a.jagersbergergmx |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
NO | 2 | Carnicazüchter Norwegen | 999 |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
CH | 50 | Verein Schweizerischer Mellifera Bienenfreunde | 994 | Giossi | Raphael | raphael.giossiapiservice | ||||||||
998 | Schütz | Adrian | +41 62 962 34 17 | +41 78 689 57 80 | Bergstrasse 13 | 4950 | Huttwil | |||||||
999 | Soland | Gabriele | 032 333 32 22 | 076 323 21 69 |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
NO | 1 | Melliferazüchter Norwegen | 999 |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
DE | 22 | Landesverband Bayerischer Imker e.V. | 994 | Wintersperger | Ruediger | 09564/4511 | Hildburghaeuser Str. 46 | 96476 | Bad Rodach | r.winterspergerweb | ||||
DE | 24 | Landesverband Brandenburgischer Imker e.V. | 995 | Breuninger | Hans Jörg | 035607-79588 | 01707410530 | Chausseestr. 80 | 03197 | Jänschwalde | teufelsteichgooglemail | |||
996 | Happatz | Maik | 035601 88725 | 0173 3893919 | Radewieser Str. 6 | 03185 | Heinersbrück | maik.happatzarcor | ||||||
DE | 30 | Imkerverband Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. | 999 | Steinhilber | Klaus | 017681663899 | Am Kupferstollen 7 | 67319 | Wattenheim | klaus.steinhilberoutlook | ||||
DE | 33 | Landesverband Sächsischer Imker e.V. (Mellifera) | 998 | Hohmuth | Andreas | 03761/83872 | 03761/186048 | 0162/1630138 | Leubnitzer Hauptstraße 14 | 08412 | Werdau | Andreas_Hohmuthgmx |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
DE | 40 | Bundesverband Dunkle Biene Deutschland e.V. | 999 | Peter | Johannes | 015257631670 | Sermuther Dorfstraße 12 | 04680 | Colditz | Johannesbv-dunkle-biene |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
IT | 1 | Albo Nazionale Allevatori di Api Italiane | 999 | Costa | Cecilia | 1 | | |||||||
IT | 2 | Associazione Italiana Allevatori Api Regine - AIAAR | 999 | Dall'Olio | Raffaele | raffaele.dalloliogmail | ||||||||
IT | 3 | SmartBees group Italy | 999 | Dall'Olio | Raffaele |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
FI | 1 | Suomen Mehiläishoitajain Liitto | 997 | Martikkala | Maritta | +358503030890 | ||||||||
998 | Kauko | Lassi | |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
ES | 1 | ERBEL | 997 | Galartza | Egoitz | |||||||||
998 | Galartza | Egoitz | Basque Country | erbelelkarteagmail | ||||||||||
999 | Estonba | Andone | |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
PT | 2 | Vale Do Rosmaninho | 1 | Tomé | João |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
ES | 2 | Associació Balear per al Foment de l’Abella Autòctona Dotze Reines | 999 | Espejo (Administrador) | Pablo | 0034 605225042 | 07141 | Manacor | dotzereinesgmail |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
IT | 21 | SmartBEES Sicily | 998 | Costa | Cecilia | 1 | | |||||||
999 | Dall'Olio | Raffaele | raffaele.dalloliogmail |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
GR | 1 | DEMETER Greece | 999 | Hatjina | Fani | fhatjinagmail | ||||||||
GR | 2 | DEMETER Greece | 999 | Hatjina | Fani | fani.hatjinayahoo | ||||||||
GR | 3 | DEMETER Greece | 999 | Hatjina | Fani | +306947431299 | Nea Moudania | 63200 | Nea Moudania | fhatjinagmail |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
MT | 1 | Breeds of Origin Conservancy | 999 | Galea | Thomas | 00356 99872878 | 206, Xehda Ghasel | 1015 | Malta | thomasgalea87hotmail |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
UA | 3 | Objednannja matkariw Ukrajiny (OMU) | 5 | Doskoch | Ivan | +380983260683, | +38 098 326 0683 | Vahylevycha, 14 | 80600 | Brody, Lviv reg. 80600 | omu.ukrainegmail |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
IT | 23 | SmartBEES Friuli | 999 | Dall'Olio | Raffaele | raffaele.dalloliogmail |
Association | Breeder | breeding administrators | ||||||||||||
country ▼ | ASSOC ▽ | Surname | no. ▽ | Surname | First name | phone | Fax | Mobile | Street | Postal code | Place of residence | |||
DE | 42 | Zuchtgemeinschaft Robuste Biene | 999 | Heuschkel | Administrator | Zehdenick | |