
Breeder n°

Breeding Values, Lineages

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Use of genetic evaluation data for publications or commercial purposes is subject to permission by the Institute for Bee Research Hohen Neuendorf, Germany, Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V.

The performance index is composed of the breeding value for honey yield, gentleness, calmness and swarming tendency in equal proportions.

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There are some recent innovations in BeeBreed that affect, among other things, the line directory, the open performance test, second performance tests, stock card import, the availability of queens, the SMR records. They can be found in the innovations section.

In the Questions and Answers section, new answers have been added that relate to the examination of Varroa control, the interpretation of SMR breeding values and the formation of averages of the total breeding value.