No daughter colonies of the 4a were tested yet.
10 tested queens were mated at the mating station:
CH-50-6-1-2006 CH-50-6-315-2006 CH-50-6-324-2006 CH-50-6-330-2006 CH-50-6-445-2006 CH-50-6-501-2006 CH-50-6-524-2006 CH-50-6-581-2006 CH-50-6-582-2006 CH-50-6-597-2006
11 daughter colonies of queens mated at the mating station were tested:
CH-50-5-134-2009 CH-50-5-136-2009 CH-50-5-138-2009 CH-50-5-143-2009 CH-50-5-144-2009 CH-50-5-149-2009 CH-50-5-155-2009 CH-50-6-92-2009 CH-50-6-101-2008 CH-50-6-262-2007 CH-50-26-78-2008