No daughter colonies of the 4a were tested yet.
6 tested queens were mated at the mating station:
UA-3-89-1-2018 UA-3-89-26-2018 UA-3-89-29-2018 UA-3-89-31-2018 UA-3-89-36-2018 UA-3-89-38-2018
17 daughter colonies of queens mated at the mating station were tested:
UA-3-70-351-2022 UA-3-70-352-2022 UA-3-89-5-2022 UA-3-89-13-2019 UA-3-89-23-2019 UA-3-89-35-2020 UA-3-89-38-2019 UA-3-89-38-2020 UA-3-89-40-2020 UA-3-89-71-2020 UA-3-89-72-2020 UA-3-89-74-2020 UA-3-89-75-2020 UA-3-89-201-2020 UA-3-89-202-2020 UA-3-89-204-2020 UA-3-89-205-2020