No daughter colonies of the 4a were tested yet.
20 tested queens were mated at the mating station:
DE-2-95-1065-1998 DE-2-95-1070-1998 DE-2-95-1071-1998 DE-2-95-1072-1998 DE-2-95-1073-1998 DE-2-95-1076-1998 DE-2-95-1078-1998 DE-2-95-1079-1998 DE-2-95-1085-1998 DE-2-95-1087-1998 DE-2-119-1012-1998 DE-2-119-1032-1998 DE-2-119-1081-1998 DE-2-141-977-1998 DE-2-141-999-1998 DE-2-141-1004-1998 DE-2-141-1028-1998 DE-2-141-1031-1998 DE-2-141-1032-1998 DE-2-141-1033-1998
1 daughter colonies of queens mated at the mating station were tested: