5 daughter colonies of the 4a were tested:
UA-3-29-34-2020 UA-3-29-93-2019 UA-3-29-94-2019 UA-3-29-95-2019 UA-3-29-96-2019
15 tested queens were mated at the mating station:
UA-3-29-10-2020 UA-3-29-34-2020 UA-3-29-62-2020 UA-3-29-63-2020 UA-3-29-79-2020 UA-3-29-207-2020 UA-3-29-210-2020 UA-3-29-264-2020 UA-3-29-265-2020 UA-3-29-266-2020 UA-3-29-268-2020 UA-3-29-269-2020 UA-3-29-272-2020 UA-3-97-43-2020 UA-3-97-46-2020
2 daughter colonies of queens mated at the mating station were tested:
UA-3-29-2-2021 UA-3-29-4-2021