
Breeder n°

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Pedigree browser DE-4-1-44-1985

Surname Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde
Place of residenceHohen Neuendorf
AssociationLandesverband Brandenburgischer Imker e.V.
Line / Indication of breeder42
Tested by the breeder.
Performance test year1986
statePerformance test complete
populationCarnica - Hauptpopulation

Contact the breeder (DE-4-1)
Other queens on the apiary DE-4-1-1-1986
Breeding values of full sibs
Breeding values of maternal half sibs
Breeding values of paternal half sibs
Breed planning for mating stations
Breed planning for inseminators
Individual breed planning as 2a, as 4a, as 1b.


Coefficients of inbreeding in %

of the queen: (4.1)of the workers: 6.3
Inbreeding values in brackets are underestimated due to incomplete pedigree.

Breeding values

State from 14.2.2025

Breeding valueReliabilityWeighting in %
Honey yield580.6415
Defensive behavior610.6615
Steadiness on comb550.6715
Swarming drive710.5315
Total breeding value58--
Performance index540.64
Colony strength750.49
Development in Spring800.53
Robustness in winter(88)0.15
Chronic Bee Paralysis(102)0.00
Recapping of infested cells(94)0.00
Breeding values in brackets are estimated without own measurement.

Breeding values when used as a drone colony (1b)

Breeding valueReliabilityWeighting in %
Honey yield490.4915
Defensive behavior540.5315
Steadiness on comb450.5315
Swarming drive680.4215
Total breeding value52--
Performance index460.49
Colony strength620.37
Development in Spring700.41
Robustness in winter(87)0.07
Chronic Bee Paralysis(102)0.00
Recapping of infested cells(94)0.00
Breeding values in brackets are estimated without own measurement.

Licensability by D.I.B. guidelines

none. 2a not licensed.


Descendants as 2aDescendants as 4a
DE-4-1-102-1987 DE-4-1-114-1987 DE-4-1-115-1987 DE-4-1-99117-1987 DE-4-1-99308-1987 DE-4-1-99311-1987 DE-4-1-39-1988 DE-4-1-48-1988 DE-4-1-50-1988 DE-4-1-53-1988 DE-4-1-56-1988 DE-4-1-59-1988 DE-4-1-60-1988 DE-4-1-61-1988 DE-4-1-62-1988 DE-4-1-66-1988 DE-4-1-69-1988 DE-4-1-72-1988 DE-4-1-73-1988 DE-4-1-74-1988 DE-4-1-78-1988 DE-4-1-80-1988 DE-4-1-86-1988 DE-4-1-87-1988 DE-4-1-89-1988 DE-4-1-94-1988 DE-4-1-95-1988 DE-4-1-97-1988 DE-4-1-99-1988 DE-4-1-100-1988 DE-4-1-102-1988 DE-4-1-103-1988 DE-4-1-105-1988 DE-4-1-108-1988 DE-4-1-110-1988 DE-4-1-111-1988 DE-4-1-115-1988 DE-4-1-121-1988 DE-4-1-122-1988 DE-4-1-123-1988 DE-4-1-124-1988 DE-4-1-125-1988 DE-4-1-128-1988 DE-4-1-130-1988 DE-4-1-132-1988 DE-4-1-133-1988 DE-4-1-134-1988 DE-4-1-136-1988 DE-4-1-137-1988 DE-4-1-139-1988 DE-4-1-140-1988 DE-4-1-146-1988 DE-4-1-148-1988 DE-4-1-149-1988 DE-4-1-156-1988 DE-4-1-159-1988 DE-4-1-160-1988 DE-4-1-161-1988 DE-4-1-162-1988 DE-4-1-164-1988 DE-4-1-167-1988 DE-4-1-179-1988 DE-4-1-202-1988 DE-4-1-216-1988 DE-4-1-218-1988 DE-4-1-219-1988 DE-4-1-220-1988 DE-4-1-221-1988 DE-4-1-271-1988 DE-4-1-283-1988 DE-4-1-285-1988 DE-4-1-287-1988 DE-4-1-290-1988 DE-4-1-298-1988 DE-4-1-299-1988 DE-4-1-300-1988 DE-4-1-301-1988 DE-4-1-303-1988 DE-4-1-309-1988 DE-4-1-315-1988 DE-4-1-316-1988 DE-4-1-354-1988 DE-4-1-355-1988 DE-4-1-356-1988 DE-4-1-357-1988 DE-4-1-360-1988 DE-4-1-361-1988 DE-4-1-362-1988 DE-4-1-364-1988 DE-4-1-367-1988 DE-4-1-405-1988 DE-4-1-407-1988 DE-4-1-409-1988 DE-4-1-413-1988 DE-4-1-418-1988 DE-4-1-421-1988 DE-4-1-422-1988 DE-4-1-447-1988 DE-4-1-448-1988 DE-4-1-487-1988 DE-4-1-492-1988 DE-4-1-516-1988 DE-4-1-517-1988 DE-4-1-518-1988 DE-4-1-520-1988 DE-4-1-521-1988 DE-4-1-526-1988 DE-4-1-537-1988 DE-4-1-538-1988 DE-4-1-544-1988 DE-4-1-549-1988 DE-4-1-555-1988 DE-4-1-585-1988 DE-4-1-598-1988 DE-4-1-604-1988 DE-4-1-665-1988 DE-4-1-668-1988 DE-4-1-672-1988 DE-4-1-709-1988 DE-4-1-710-1988 DE-4-1-715-1988 DE-4-1-717-1988 DE-4-1-738-1988 DE-4-1-750-1988 DE-4-1-99150-1988 DE-4-1-99151-1988 DE-4-1-99152-1988 DE-4-1-99382-1988 DE-4-1-99387-1988 DE-4-1-99396-1988 DE-4-1-99404-1988 DE-4-1-99407-1988 DE-4-1-99410-1988 DE-4-1-99413-1988 DE-4-1-99415-1988 DE-4-1-99417-1988 DE-4-1-99418-1988 DE-4-1-99419-1988 DE-4-1-99420-1988 DE-4-1-99426-1988 DE-4-1-99441-1988 DE-4-9-7-1988 DE-4-9-9-1988 DE-4-9-12-1988 DE-4-9-31-1988 DE-4-9-32-1988 DE-4-9-39-1988 DE-4-42-1-1988 DE-4-42-2-1988 DE-4-42-3-1988 DE-4-42-4-1988 DE-4-42-5-1988 DE-4-42-8-1988 DE-4-42-9-1988 DE-4-42-110-1988 DE-4-42-210-1988 DE-4-43-1-1988 DE-4-43-2-1988 DE-4-43-3-1988 DE-4-43-5-1988 DE-4-43-7-1988 DE-4-43-8-1988 DE-4-43-9-1988 DE-4-43-10-1988 DE-4-43-11-1988 DE-4-43-12-1988 DE-4-43-13-1988 DE-4-43-14-1988 DE-4-43-15-1988 DE-4-43-16-1988 DE-4-43-19-1988 DE-4-47-3608-1988 DE-4-47-3612-1988 DE-4-47-3614-1988 DE-4-47-3615-1988 DE-4-47-3616-1988 DE-4-47-3620-1988 DE-4-47-3622-1988 DE-4-47-3623-1988 DE-4-47-3624-1988 DE-4-47-3625-1988 DE-4-47-3627-1988 DE-4-47-3633-1988 DE-4-47-3637-1988 DE-4-47-3638-1988 DE-4-50-50-1988 DE-4-50-56-1988 DE-4-50-60-1988 DE-4-50-62-1988 DE-4-50-63-1988 DE-4-50-66-1988 DE-4-50-67-1988 DE-4-50-70-1988 DE-4-52-1001-1988 DE-4-52-1002-1988 DE-4-52-1003-1988 DE-4-52-1004-1988 DE-4-52-1005-1988 DE-4-52-1006-1988 DE-4-52-1007-1988 DE-4-52-1008-1988 DE-4-52-1009-1988 DE-4-52-1023-1988 DE-4-52-1028-1988 DE-4-55-23-1988 DE-4-55-24-1988 DE-4-55-25-1988 DE-4-55-26-1988 DE-4-55-27-1988 DE-4-55-28-1988 DE-4-55-29-1988


Click on queen code shows pedigree, breeding values and inbreeding coefficients.

Licensed queens are marked with -K.

Click on a mating station identifier for more details.

The list of descendents starts with licensed queens and is sorted by association and studbook numbers.

Weighting factors are only displayed of different from the default of the population.

For disease susceptibility the evaluation is as follows:

susceptible to disease
medium susceptibility to disease
relative resistance to disease
no evaluation because of too little data

Use of genetic evaluation data for publications or commercial purposes is subject to permission by the Institute for Bee Research Hohen Neuendorf, Germany, Länderinstitut für Bienenkunde Hohen Neuendorf e.V.

The performance index is composed of the breeding value for honey yield, gentleness, calmness and swarming tendency in equal proportions.

For suggestions and comments use our contact form, please.


Mating place