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Workshop #3 video

  • Post category:event / journal

Video-documentation of the Multimodal Appreciation Workshop #3 (May 2-3, 2024), Stadtlabor, HU Berlin.

In this third and last workshop we met with colleagues having prominent roles in publishing venues (journal and book series editors), anthropological associations, multimodal anthropology networks and degree-awarding institutions to test and discuss whether the elements in our toolkit might enable them to identify and articulate the value(s) of multimodal works to institutionalise them in further gatekeeping encounters.

Invited guests: Dimitra Kofti (co-editor of Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale), Vivian Berghahn (Managing editor of Berghahn Books, Berghahn Journals Director, Berghahn Open Anthro initiative), Ana Ivasiuc (EASA president), Gabriele Alex (co-editor of Zeitschrift für Ethnologie), Dimitrios Theodossopoulos (incoming editor of the JRAI), Alexa Färber (professor for European Ethnology, UniWien, editor of Journal for Cultural Analysis and European Ethnology of DGEKW, co-convenor of the EASA network of Multimodal Anthropology), Simone Pfeifer (co-convener of the Working Group AG Medien and part of the advisory board of the German Anthropological Association)

For detailed information about the program and the works, see here

For an accompanying podcast with thoughts from the participants, click here

Camera work and film edit: Sadek Bouzinou | Sound work: Sven Jensen-Brakelman