contact: Judith.Albrecht AT fu-berlin.de
She works at the intersection of scientific work and an engaged public anthropology. In her work as a visual ethnographer and social anthropologist she explores and experiments with the boundaries of visual and more than textual forms in anthropology.
She has done extensive field research in Tanzania, Iran, Libya, Germany and the United States.
Her thematic focus is on transcultural film work, social movements, gender, trauma, violence, breathing and diaspora. She has an activist background in asylum and migration work. For the last 6 years, she has been working with families of murder victims in Germany, exploring the relationship between trauma, body and language. Here she has mainly done ethnographic work in courtrooms, followed families in their encounters with legal representatives, with the police, courts, lawyers, etc.
Through this work she came to the study of breathing.
She is one of the founders of the German Tanzanian Bagamoyo Film collective.
She is chief editor of the Encounter Magazine and Blog (German, English, Farsi, Arabic) & Spokesperson of the AG Public Anthropology of the German Anthropological Association.
Among many other questions, Judith finds particularly interesting to trace and understand where multimodal work transcends interdisciplinary boundaries and where the specifically ethnographic and anthropological emerges more clearly.