The "Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology" aims at developing ‘an anthropology of/as urbanism’. It critically explores governmental, everyday, insurgent and more-than-human practices of city making. It also experiments with ethnography as a more-than-textual, multimodal practice.



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Sounding Berlin: Towards an Apparatus for Atmospheric Attunement

What are the possibilities that open up when different modalities of research practice are employed in collaboration with others, with the goal of attuning ourselves to intersensorial phenomena that may exceed any single ethnographer’s ability to grasp? What kinds of values can we create when we give up proprietary notions of research practice and production?

Stadtlabor Summer 2024 Event Series


The Stadtlabor for multimodal anthropology happily announces the first instalment of this summer term´s event series.

Illustrating Research

The Stadtlabor invites to the second event in the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology’s Event Series for the Summer Semester 2023:

Tomás Criado

I am an anthropologist with specialisation in STS.

Between April 2018 and October 2022, I was Senior Researcher and Director of the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology.

I now work in Barcelona as Ramón y Cajal Senior Research Fellow in the Social Sciences at the Open University of Catalonia’s CareNet-IN3 group.