8 tested queens were inseminated by the inseminator in the year 2020:
UA-1-2-45-2020 UA-1-2-48-2020 UA-1-2-49-2020 UA-1-2-61-2020 UA-1-2-62-2020 UA-1-2-74-2020 UA-1-2-78-2020 UA-1-10-816-2020
15 daughter colonies of queens inseminated by this inseminator were performance tested in the year 2020:
UA-1-2-58-2021 UA-1-2-59-2021 UA-1-2-64-2021 UA-1-2-65-2021 UA-1-2-66-2021 UA-1-2-68-2021 UA-1-2-70-2021 UA-1-2-71-2021 UA-1-2-72-2021 UA-1-2-73-2021 UA-1-2-75-2021 UA-1-2-77-2021 UA-1-2-95-2021 UA-1-2-96-2021 UA-1-2-99-2021