Sensing and making sense of cities as wave fields
A little bit more than a year ago, on the 8th of July 2022, more than 50 STS-scholars attending the European Association of Science and Technology Studies (EASST) conference in Madrid participated in a three-hour “thermodynamic” bus ride organised by the WAVEMATTERS-team. On this bus ride, Jos Temprano and Victor Rovira, a local team of a filmmaker and a soundrecordist, joined us and together we produced this video of the ride through heat.
Waste What?
WASTE WHAT? is an open-source cooperative game, which explores how we can think about materials differently, trying out many ways to keep stuff in use. In the game you play as a material recovery initiative. Your goal is to creatively find new uses for discarded things, closing loops and reducing the amount of waste that is burned.
Ageing Cities
On July 19th 2022, 14:30-16:00, the main results of the Studienprojekt’s ‘Ageing Cities’, coordinated by Tomás Criado, were presented in the IfEE’s Institutskolloquium (SoSe22). The presentation was delivered by the group of students who partook in the project: Maximilian Apel, Erman Dinc, Christine Maicher, Adam Petras, Doreen Sauer, and Anna Maria Schlotmann.
Sonnenallee Podcast
The ‘Sonnenallee Podcast’ project discusses urban negotiations of space and time in open-ended conversation formats with guest speakers: what affects condition the notion of public space in Sonnenallee?
xcol. An Ethnographic Inventory
A digital inventory for the documentation of inventive forms of ethnographic inquiry, which seeks to intervene in current forms of anthropological practice and learning.
The values of multimodal projects
In this Winter Semester’s 21-22 Stadtlabor Online Seminar Series, we aim to invite ground-breaking anthropological projects where multimodality features not just as an add-on of particular inquiries, but as a central mode of research and intervention.
Urban Development via Public-Civic Partnerships. Forms of Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts
In these cooperations, the involvement of civil society actors in decision-making processes and design processes goes beyond legally prescribed levels of participation.
Civilising technologies for an ageing society? The performativity of participatory methods in Socio-gerontechnology
Social change in the twenty-first century is shaped by both demographic changes associated with ageing societies and significant technological change and development. Outlining the basic principles of a new academic field, Socio-gerontechnology, this book explores common conceptual, theoretical and methodological ideas that become visible in the critical scholarship on ageing and technology at the intersection
Trash Games: Playing with the Circular Economy Transition at the Haus der Materialisierung
Funded by the Berlin University Alliance (2021-2022) call for Experimental Science Communication Laboratories
Joint project of the Chair of Circular Economy and Recycling Technologies (CERT, TU Berlin) and the Stadtlabor to develop and explore games and game design as formats of public engagement with the Circular Economy (CE).
Planning Miseducation: Re-Learning Urban Design Inside, Outside and Against the University
Image Credit: Arquitectura Expandida / Ana López Ortego, Candela Morado, Camilo Pinto (AKA Casi Nadie)
“I discovered an interesting thing: it turns out that an intervention, which seems as simple as writing, taking notes, or preparing a report, can change the world.“ – Alvaryan Maulana