Gabriel Bliard

Brief cv

PhD student at HU Berlin from July 2019 to September 2023
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher, funded by EuroPLEx (2019-present)
MMath, Part III Mathematics, University of Cambridge (2019)
B.A Natural Sciences (Physics), Clare College, University of Cambridge (2018)

Research Project

Perturbative and non-perturbative study of correlators in AdS2/CFT1

I am working with Valentina Forini and collaborators to better understand holography in the context of low dimensional boundaries and defects. These boundaries and defects can be described as intrinsically lower dimensional theories, in which a multitude of analytic and perturbative tools can be used to solve them. Through the use of Supersymmetry, Witten diagrams, Unitarity, Mellin amplitudes, Bootstrap and other techniques, we aim to RETHINK these low dimensional holographic QUANTUM FIELD THEORIES as a playground where exact solvability is more attainable than their higher dimensional embedding theories.