Performing integration-by-parts reductions using NeatIBP 1.1 + Kira Zihao Wu, Janko Böhm, Rourou Ma, Johann Usovitsch, Yingxuan Xu, Yang Zhang
HU-EP-25/12-RTG, InspireHep
Worldline geometries for scattering amplitudes Roberto Bonezzi, Maria Foteini Kallimani
HU-EP-25/11-RTG, InspireHep
The Double Copy of Maximal Supersymmetry in D=4 R. Bonezzi, G. Casale, O. Hohm
HU-EP-25/02-RTG, InspireHep
Complete function space for planar two-loop six-particle scattering amplitudes J. Henn, A. Matijašić, J. Miczajka, T. Peraro, Y. Xu, Y. Zhan
HU-EP-25/01-RTG, MITP-25-001, MPP-2025-2, USTC-ICTS/PCFT-25-01 InspireHep
Distillation and position-space sampling for local multiquark interpolators A. Stump, J. R. Green
PoS Lattice2024 (094),
HU-EP-24/41-RTG, DESY-24-186 InspireHep
Radiating Love: adiabatic tidal fluxes and modes up to next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtonian order M. K. Mandal, P. Mastrolia, R. Patil, J. Steinhoff
HU-EP-24/39-RTG, InspireHep
An Analytic Computation of Three-Loop Five-Point Feynman Integrals Y. Liu,A. Matijašić,J. Miczajka,Y. Xu,Y. Xu,Y. Zhang
HU-EP-24/38-RTG, MITP-24-085, MPP-2024-235, USTC-ICTS/PCFT-24-50, InspireHep
Spinning bodies in general relativity from bosonic worldline oscillators K. Haddad, G. Uhre Jakobsen, G. Mogull, J. Plefka
HU-EP-24/34-RTG, QMUL-PH-24-28, InspireHep
Gluing via Intersection Theory G. Crisanti, B. Eden, M. Gottwald, P. Mastrolia, T. Scherdin
HU-EP-24/33-RTG, InspireHep
High-precision black hole scattering with Calabi-Yau manifolds M. Driesse , G. Uhre Jakobsen, A. Klemm, G. Mogull, C. Nega, J. Plefka, B. Sauer, J. Usovitsch
HU-EP-24/32-RTG, QMUL-PH-24-26, BONN-TH-2024-15, TUM-HEP-1532/24, InspireHep
The three-dimensional N = 2 superfishnet theory M. Kade
HU-EP-24/30-RTG, InspireHep
Perturbative bootstrap of the Wilson-line defect CFT: Multipoint correlators D. Artico, J. Barrat, G. Peveri
HU-EP-24/28-RTG, InspireHep
Perturbative bootstrap of the Wilson-line defect CFT: Bulk-defect-defect correlators D. Artico, J. Barrat, Y. Xu
HU-EP-24/27-RTG, InspireHep
Dispersion relation from Lorentzian inversion in 1d CFT D. Bonomi and V. Forini
HU-EP-24/19-RTG, InspireHep
All planar two-loop amplitudes in maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory A. Spiering, M. Wilhelm and C. Zhang
HU-EP-24/18-RTG, InspireHep
An update on the supersphere non-linear sigma model on the lattice I. Costa, V. Forini, A. Patella and J. H. Weber
PoS EuroPLEx2023 (2024) 034
HU-EP-24/17-RTG, InspireHep
Post-Minkowskian Theory Meets the Spinning Effective-One-Body Approach for Bound-Orbit Waveforms A. Buonanno, G. Mogull, R. Patil and L. Pompili
HU-EP-24/16-RTG, InspireHep
A log story short: running contributions to radiative Higgs decays in the SMEFT C. Grojean, G. Guedes, J. Roosmale Nepveu and G. M. Salla
HU-EP-24/15-RTG, InspireHep
Double Copy of 3D Chern-Simons Theory and 6D Kodaira-Spencer Gravity R. Bonezzi, F. Diaz-Jaramillo and O. Hohm
HU-EP-24/12-RTG, InspireHep
Conservative Black Hole Scattering at Fifth Post-Minkowskian and First Self-Force Order M. Driesse, G. Jakobsen, G. Mogull, J. Plefka and B. Sauer
HU-EP-24/08-RTG, CERN-TH-2024-032, InspireHep
Post-Minkowskian Theory Meets the Spinning Effective-One-Body Approach for Two-Body Scattering A. Buonanno, G. Jakobsen and G. Mogull
HU-EP-24/07-RTG, InspireHep
In-medium static inter-quark potential on high resolution quenched lattices R. N. Larsen, G. Parkar, A. Rothkopf and J. H. Weber
HU-EP-24/06-RTG, InspireHep
Field Redefinitions, Infinite Green’s Functions and Infinite Field Anomalous Dimensions A. V. Manohar, J. Pagès and J. Roosmale Nepveu
JHEP 05 (2024) 018
HU-EP-24/04-RTG, InspireHep
Calabi-Yau in the Sky A. Klemm, C. Nega, B. Sauer and J. Plefka
HU-EP-24/02-RTG, InspireHep
Exploring the anisotropic HISQ (aHISQ) action A. Bazavov, Y. Trimis and J. H. Weber PoS LATTICE2023 (2023) 056
HU-EP-24/01-RTG, InspireHep
Two-loop N=1 SYM Amplitudes via SUSY Decomposition and Massive Spinor-Helicity H. Johansson, G. Kälin, G. Mogull and B. Verbeek
UUITP-42/23, HU-EP-23/73-RTG, InspireHep
Hutch++ and XTrace to Improve Stochastic Trace Estimation A. Cotellucci and A. Patella, PoS LATTICE2023 (2024) 002
HU-EP-23/69-RTG, InspireHep
Spin-taste structure of minimally doubled fermions J. H. Weber, JHEP 01 (2024) 050
HU-EP-23/68-RTG, InspireHep
Spin and Susceptibility Effects of Electromagnetic Self-Force in Effective Field Theory G. Jakobsen,
HU-EP-23/61-RTG, InspireHep
Perturbative and non-perturbative analysis of defect correlators in AdS/CFT G.J.S. Bliard,
HU-EP-23/58-RTG, InspireHep
Correlators on the Wilson Line Defect CFT G. Peveri,
HU-EP-23/56-RTG, InspireHep
Higher-derivative relations between scalars and gluons Q. Bonnefoy, G. Durieux and J. Roosmale Nepveu,
HU-EP-23/53-RTG, CERN-TH-2023-174, IRMP-CP3-23-58, DESY-23-145, InspireHep
Brick wall diagrams as a completely integrable system M. Kade and M. Staudacher, JHEP 01 (2024) 050
HU-EP-23/52-RTG, InspireHep
Weakly Constrained Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills Theory R. Bonezzi, C. Chiaffrino, F. Diaz-Jaramillo and O. Hohm,
HU-EP-23/50-RTG, InspireHep
Gravity = Yang-Mills R. Bonezzi, C. Chiaffrino, F. Diaz-Jaramillo and O. Hohm, Symmetry 15 (2023) 11
HU-EP-23/49-RTG, InspireHep
Un-screened forces in Quark-Gluon Plasma? A. Bazavov, D. Hoying, O. Kaczmarek, R. N. Larsen, S. Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, A. Rothkopf and J. H. Weber, HU-EP-23/48-RTG, InspireHep
Dissipative scattering of spinning black holes at fourth post-Minkowskian order, Gustav Uhre Jakobsen, Gustav Mogull, Jan Plefka and Benjamin Sauer,
HU-EP-23/47-RTG, InspireHep
On black hole singularity resolution in $D=2$ via duality-invariant $\alpha’$ corrections Tomas Codina, Olaf Hohm and Barton Zwiebach, Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 12, 126006
HU-EP-23/46-RTG, InspireHep
Gravitational Scattering of Compact Bodies from Worldline Quantum Field Theory Gustav Uhre Jakobsen,
HU-EP-23/45-RTG, InspireHep
Renormalizing Love: tidal effects at the third post-Newtonian order M. K. Mandal, P. Mastrolia, H.O. Silva, R. Patil and J. Steinhoff,
HU-EP-23/43-RTG, InspireHep
Gauge Independent Kinematic Algebra of Self-Dual Yang-Mills Roberto Bonezzi, Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo and Silvia Nagy Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 6, 065007
HU-EP-23/17-RTG, InspireHep
Conservative scattering of spinning black holes at fourth post-Minkowskian order Gustav Uhre Jakobsen, Gustav Mogull, Jan Plefka, Benjamin Sauer and Yingxuan Xu, Phys.Rev.Lett. 131 (2023) 15, 151401,
HU-EP-23/16-RTG, InspireHep
Weakly constrained double field theory: the quartic theory Roberto Bonezzi, Christoph Chiaffrino, Felipe Diaz-Jaramillo and Olaf Hohm
HU-EP-23/15-RTG, InspireHep
B pi excited-state contamination in lattice calculations of B-meson correlation functions Oliver Bär, Alexander Broll and Rainer Sommer EPJC 83, 757 (2023),
HU-EP-23/12-RTG, InspireHep
Gauge theory on twist-noncommutative spaces Meier, T., van Tongeren, S. JHEP 12 (2023) 045
HU-EP-23/11-RTG, InspireHep
Line defect correlators in fermionic CFTs Barrat, J., Liendo, P. and van Vliet, P.
HU-EP-23/10-RTG, DESY-23-055, InspireHep
Gravitoelectric dynamical tides at second post-Newtonian order Mandal, M. K., Mastrolla, P., Silva, H. O., Patil, R.. Steinhoff, J. JHEP 11 (2023) 067
HU-EP-23/09-RTG, InspireHep
Non-linear non-renormalisation theorems Cao, W., Herzog, F., Melia, T. and Roosmale Nepveu, J. JHEP 08 (2023) 080
HU-EP-23/06-RTG, InspireHep
Quadratic twist-noncommutative gauge theory Meier, T., van Tongeren, S., Phys.Rev.Lett. 131 (2023) 12, 121603
HU-EP-23/03-RTG, InspireHep
Tuning of QCD+QED simulations with C* boundary conditions Altherr, A., Bushnaq, L., Campos, I., Catillo, M., Cotellucci, A., Dale, M., Fritzsch, P., Gruber, R., Lücke, J., Marinkovic, M., Patella, A., Tantalo, N., Tavella, P. PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 259
HU-EP-22/44-RTG, InspireHep
N_f = 1+2+1 QCD+QED simulations with C* boundary conditions Altherr, A., Bushnaq, L., Campos, I., Catillo, M., Cotellucci, A., Dale, M., Fritzsch, P., Gruber, R., Lücke, J., Krstic Marinkovic , M., Patella, A., Tantalo, N., Tavella, P. PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 064
HU-EP-22/43-RTG, InspireHep
Supersphere non-linear sigma model on the lattice Costa, I., Forini, V., Hoare, B., Meier, T., Patella, A., Weber, J. PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 367
HU-EP-22/42-RTG, InspireHep
Gauge invariant double copy of Yang-Mills theory: the quartic theory Bonezzi, R., Chiaffrino, C., Diaz-Jaramillo, F., Hohm, O. Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 12, 126015
HU-EP-22/41-RTG, InspireHep
Holography on the lattice: the string worldsheet perspective Bliard, G., Costa, I., Forini, V. Eur.Phys.J.ST 232 (2023) 3, 339-353
HU-EP-22/36-RTG, InspireHep
Multipoint correlators on the supersymmetric Wilson line defect CFT II: Unprotected operators Barrat, J., Liendo, P., Peveri, G. JHEP 08 (2023) 198
HU-EP-22/35-RTG, InspireHep
An alpha’-complete theory of cosmology and its tensionless limit Codina, T., Hohm, O., Marques, D. Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 4, 046023
HU-EP-22/34-RTG, InspireHep
Gravitational Quadratic-in-Spin Hamiltonian at NNNLO in the post-Newtonian framework Mandal, M., Mastrolia, P., Patil, R., Steinhoff, J. JHEP 07 (2023) 128
HU-EP-22/33-RTG, InspireHep
Linear Response, Hamiltonian and Radiative Spinning Two-Body Dynamics Jakobsen, G., Mogull, G. Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 4, 044033
HU-EP-22/32-RTG, InspireHep
Estimating excited states contamination of B to pi form factors using heavy meson chiral perturbation theory Bär, O., Broll, A., Sommer, R. PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 406
HU-EP-22/31-RTG, InspireHep
B pi-state contamination in B-meson observables Bär, O., Broll, A., Sommer, R. PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 402
HU-EP-22/30-RTG, InspireHep
First results on QCD+QED with C* boundary conditions Bushnaq, L., Campos, I., Catillo, M., Cotellucci, A., Dale, M., Fritzsch, P., Lücke, J., Marinkovic, M., Patella, A., Tantalo, N. JHEP 03 (2023) 012
HU-EP-22/29-RTG, InspireHep
Gravitational Spin-Orbit Hamiltonian at NNNLO in the post-Newtonian framework Mandal, M., Mastrolia, P., Patil, R., Steinhoff, J. JHEP 03 (2023) 130
HU-EP-22/28-RTG, InspireHep
All Things Retarded: Radiation-Reaction in Worldline Quantum Field Theory Jakobsen, G., Mogull, G., Plefka, J., Sauer, B. JHEP 10 (2022) 128
HU-EP-22/24-RTG, InspireHep
Static Energy in ($2+1+1$)-Flavor Lattice QCD: Scale Setting and Charm Effects Brambilla, N., Delgado, R., Kronfeld, A., Leino, V., Petreczky, P., Steinbeisser, S., Vairo, A., Weber, J. Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 7, 074503
TUM-EFT 154/21, HU-EP-22/19-RTG, FERMILAB-PUB-22-438-T, InspireHep
Heavy quarks at finite temperature Weber, J.H. PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 014 InspireHep
A dispersion relation for defect CFT Barrat, J., Gimenez-Grau, A., Liendo, P. JHEP 02 (2023) 255
HU-EP-22/18-RTG, InspireHep
Notes on n-point Witten diagrams in AdS_2 Bliard, G. J.Phys.A 55 (2022) 32, 325401 HU-EP-22/14-RTG, InspireHep
Topological properties of minimally doubled fermions in two space-time dimensions Dürr, S., Weber, J. Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 11, 114511
HU-EP-22/11-RTG, InspireHep
The Gauge Structure of Double Field Theory follows from Yang-Mills Theory Bonezzi, R., Diaz-Jaramillo, F., Hohm, O. Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 2, 026004
HU-EP-22/07-RTG, InspireHep
Conservative and radiative dynamics of spinning bodies at third post-Minkowskian order using worldline quantum field theory Jakobsen, G., Mogull, G. Phys.Rev.Lett. 128 (2022) 14, 141102
HU-EP-22/03-RTG, InspireHep
Lattice perturbation theory for the null cusp string Bliard, G., Costa, I., Forini, V., Patella, A. Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 7, 074507
HU-EP-22/01-RTG, InspireHep
The seeds of EFT double copy Bonnefoy, Q., Durieux, G., Grojean, C., Machado, C., Nepveu, J. JHEP 05 (2022) 042
DESY-21-223, CERN-TH-2021-224, HU-EP-21/59-RTG, InspireHep
A first look at the function space for planar two-loop six-particle Feynman integrals Henn, J., Peraro, T., Xu, Y., Zhang, Y. JHEP 03 (2022) 056
MPP-2021-200, USTC-ICTS/PCFT-21-36, HU-EP-21/57-RTG, InspireHep
Multipoint correlators on the supersymmetric Wilson line defect CFT Barrat, J., Liendo, P., Peveri, G., Plefka, J. JHEP 08 (2022) 067
HU-EP-21/53-RTG, InspireHep
Higgs probes of top quark contact interactions and their interplay with the Higgs self-coupling Alasfar, L., Gröber, R. and de Blas, J. JHEP 05 (2022) 111
HU-EP-21/48-RTG, InspireHep
Duality invariant string beta functions at two loops Bonezzi, R., Codina, T., Hohm, O. JHEP 02 (2022) 109 HU-EP-21/44-RTG, InspireHep
Machine learning the trilinear and light-quark Yukawa couplings from Higgs pair kinematic shapes Alasfar, L., Gröber, R., Grojean, C., Paul, A. and Qian, Z. JHEP 11 (2022) 045
DESY 22-085 | HU-EP-21/34-RTG, DESY 22-085, HU-EP-21/34-RTG, InspireHep
Static quark anti-quark interactions at non-zero temperature from lattice QCD
Bala, D., Kaczmarek, O., Larsen, R., Mukherjee, S., Parkar, G., Petreczky, P., Rothkopf, A., Weber, J., Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 5, 054513
HU-EP-21/32-RTG, InspireHep
Bootstrapping holographic defect correlators in $\mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills Barrat, J., Gimenez-Grau, A., Liendo, P. JHEP 04 (2022) 093
HU-EP-21/29-RTG, InspireHep
SUSY in the Sky with Gravitons Jakobsen, G., Mogull, G., Plefka, J., Steinhoff, J. JHEP 01 (2022) 027,
HU-EP-21/28-RTG, InspireHep
Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills Diaz-Jaramillo, F., Hohm, O., Plefka, J. Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 4, 045012
HU-EP-21/27-RTG, InspireHep
An update on QCD+QED simulations with C* boundary conditions Bushnaq, L., Campos, I., Catillo, M., Cotellucci, A., Dale, M., Fritzsch, P., Lücke, J., Marinkovic, M., Patella, A., Tantalo, N. PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 293
HU-EP-21/26-RTG, InspireHep
The bottomonium melting from screening correlators at high temperature Petreczky, P., Sharma, S., Weber, J., Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 5, 054511
HU-EP-21/23-RTG, InspireHep
Bottomonium production in heavy-ion collisions using quantum trajectories: Differential observables and momentum anisotropy Brambilla, N., Escobedo, M., Strickland, M., Vairo, A., Griend, P., Weber, J., Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 9, 094049 TUM-EFT 147/21, HU-EP-21/18-RTG, InspireHep
QTRAJ 1.0: A Lindblad equation solver for heavy-quarkonium dynamics Omar, H., Escobedo, M., Islam, A., Strickland, M., Thapa, S., Griend, P., Weber, J., Comput.Phys.Commun. 273 (2022) 108266
TUM-EFT 142/21; HU-EP-21/17-RTG, InspireHep
General String Cosmologies at Order alpha’^3 Codina, T., Hohm, O., Marques, D., Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 10, 106007
HU-EP-21/16-RTG, InspireHep
Gravitational Bremsstrahlung and Hidden Supersymmetry of Spinning Bodies Jakobsen, G., Mogull, G., Plefka, J., Steinhoff, J. Phys.Rev.Lett. 128 (2022) 1, 011101
HU-EP-21/15-RTG, InspireHep
Renormalization and non-renormalization of scalar EFTs at higher orders Cao, W., Herzog, F., Melia, T., Roosmale Nepveu, J.,
JHEP 09 (2021) 014, HU-EP-21/14-RTG, InspireHep
Beta functions for the duality-invariant sigma model Bonezzi, R., Codina, T., Hohm, O. JHEP 10 (2021) 192,
HU-EP-21/07-RTG, InspireHep
Virtual corrections to gg to ZH via a transverse momentum expansion Alasfar, L., Degrassi, G., Giardino, P., Gröber, R., Vitti, M., JHEP 05 (2021) 168, HU-EP-21/05-RTG, InspireHep
Classical Gravitational Bremsstrahlung from a Worldline Quantum Field Theory Jakobsen, G., Mogull, G., Plefka, J., Steinhoff, J.,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 201103 (2021),
HU-EP-21/03-RTG, InspireHep
String Dualities at Order alpha^3 Codina, T., Hohm, O., Marques, D., Phys.Rev.Lett. 126 (2021) 17, 171602,
HU-EP-20/46-RTG, InspireHep
Gauge Invariant Perturbation Theory via Homotopy Transfer Chiaffrino, C., Hohm, O., Pinto, A., JHEP 05 (2021) 236,
HU-EP-20/43-RTG, InspireHep
Strong coupling constant from moments of quarkonium correlators revisited Petreczky, P., Weber, J. Eur.Phys.J.C 82 (2022) 1, 64
HU-EP-20/39-RTG, InspireHep
Bottomonium suppression in an open quantum system using the quantum trajectories method Brambilla, N., Escobedo, M., Strickland, M., Vairo, A., Vander Griend, P., Weber, J., JHEP 05 (2021) 136
TUM-EFT 140/20; HU-EP-20/36-RTG, InspireHep
Two-Point Correlator of Chiral Primary Operators with a Wilson Line Defect in N=4 SYM Barrat, J., Liendo, P., Plefka, J., JHEP 05 (2021) 195
HU-EP-20/33-RTG, DESY 20-191, InspireHep
Jet transport coefficient $\hat{q}$ in (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD Kumar, A., Majumder, A., Weber, J. Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 3, 034505
HU-EP-20/26-RTG InspireHep
Classical black hole scattering from a worldline quantum field theory Mogull, G., Plefka, J., Steinhoff, J., JHEP 02 (2021) 048, UUITP-37/20, HU-EP-20/22-RTG, InspireHep
B anomalies under the lens of electroweak precision Alasfar, L., Azatov, A., de Blas, J., Paul, A., Valli, M., JHEP 12 (2020) 016,
DESY-20-091, HU-EP-20/12-RTG, SISSA 16/2020/FISI, UCI-TR 2020-10, InspireHep
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