The main goal of the RTG is to train our highly qualified doctoral researchers to become internationally competitive researchers through an innovative qualification program. The RTG provides a wide range of training opportunities which can be combined into challenging study plans tailored to the individual goals of each doctoral researcher.
Our core qualification program consists of
- courses on advanced topics in QFT bridging the gap between lectures in the Master curricula and current research
- a monthly QFT colloquium, featuring national and international experts on the latest developments in theoretical particle physics. Every presentation will be preceded by a journal-club style preparatory session for the doctoral researchers.
- a weekly young researcher seminar organized by the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the RTG
- annual retreat where all RTG members get together for building and strengthening collaborations. Guests are invited for giving lectures and career talks.
Upcoming qualification events
No events currently scheduled.
iCal link for the QFT colloquium:
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Past events
See this page for past events.