Jasper Roosmale Nepveu
Date(s) - 30/01/2023
11:00 - 12:00
This week’s Student seminar will be given by Jasper Roosmale Nepveu , giving a talk on
Dimension 8 effective field theory contributions from renormalization group evolution
“The Standard Model effective field theory (SM EFT) parametrizes heavy new physics in a model independent way. Typically, only EFT operators at leading order (dimension 6) are considered, neglecting dimension 8 effects. I will discuss general arguments on the expected size of Wilson coefficients and the structure of anomalous dimensions in the SM EFT. This leads to the observation that there are significant dimension 8 contributions to Higgs decays into photons from the renormalization group evolution.”
As usual, the zoom link will be circulated the morning of, and the seminar will be given in room 1.221
email either me or Alexander if you want to join from outside the RTG