Alessandro Cotellucci & Giuseppe Casale
Date(s) - 15/01/2024
11:15 - 12:15
IRIS Building, Room 1.221
This Student Seminar we have two speakers who will give the following talks.
1st Talk
Speaker: Alessandro Cotellucci
Title: It is Just a Trace: How I Spent 3 Years of My Life Computing the Trace of the Inverse of the Dirac Operator
“The calculation of the trace of a matrix is a numerical problem with a wide application in computational physics. In Lattice QCD, the interest matrix is the inverse of the Dirac operator whose trace arises once we integrate the fermions. In this talk, I will present the challenges and some solutions to this problem focusing on the efficiency of the algorithms.”
2nd Talk
Speaker: Giuseppe Casale
Title: Basic Elements of Double Copy and Homotopy Algebras
“Colour-Kinematic Duality and Double Copy have proven to be useful tools in computing (super)gravity scattering amplitudes by relating them to gauge-theory amplitudes. At the same time, Homotopy Algebras seem to be an appropriate mathematical language to describe perturbative field theories. A quite elementary introduction to both topics will be given in order to understand how they can work together and what their near-future developments are.”
The Zoom link will be distributed to RTG students by email and can be requested from Andres Stump or Giuseppe Casale.