Making quantisation BVeautiful & Distillation and Position Space Sampling – An Affordable Way to Use Locale Tetraquark Operators – Student Seminar

Maria Kallimani & Andres Stump

Date(s) - 03/06/2024
11:00 - 12:00

IRIS Building, Room 1.221

Title: Making quantisation BVeautiful

Speaker: Maria Kallimani

Abstract: Path integrals are beautiful, but sometimes too infinite. In this talk, I will demonstrate how the BV formalism allows us to remove redundancies from the path integrals of gauge theories. I will focus on introducing the BV manifold with its anti canonical structure, which leads to the Classical and Quantum Master Equations. These equations allow us to evaluate the free path integral without losing memory of the theory’s original gauge invariance.

Title: Distillation and Position Space Sampling – An Affordable Way to Use Locale Tetraquark Operators

Speaker: Andres Stump

Abstract: Observations of tetraquarks such as the doubly charmed tetraquark sparked big interest in investigating these exotic hadrons. The question, whether they are meson molecules or compact hadrons remains unsolved. Lattice QCD in combination with the distillation method allows to address this question. But for that the use of local tetraquark operators in addition to non-locale meson-meson operators is important. Position space sampling presents an affordable way to do so.
I will briefly revisit the distillation method then I will show what position space sampling is and why it’s useful for locale tetraquark operators. Finally, I will show some results obtained using position space sampling.